Friday, March 15, 2019

Love, Love, Love

Love this! It is short and sweet but oh, so powerful.
He loves us! End of story! We just need to train ourselves to accept it and all the benefits that comes from His love for they are mind blowing good!
God Bless.
"As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love." - (John 15:9)
The basic facts about Jesus are written in the book of John with the emphasis here on relationship. Your mother loves and cares for you, you love and care for your daughter, she loves and cares for your grandchild. Love begets love, love reciprocates love. Jesus' love for us naturally causes us to love others, His continuous love for us persuades us to continue the chain of love. The love Jesus received from the Father, He deserved as the Son of God, He in turn loves us with the same kind of love and encourages us to continue with that kind of love. Love, love, love.
-Psalm 31 Devotional

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