Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Lord, My Bodyguard

There is things in this life we should automatically know, it is called fundementals. The problem is, we don't always use them because life has a tendency to throw us curve balls. Then, we have a tendency as normal people, to focus on the curve balls and forget the fundamental principles of every day living as Christians.
And one of those fundamental principles we seem to forget is we have a bodyguard one that won't leave us or forsake us. He won't let us down. I promise. It won't be easy but it will truly be worthwhile.
God Bless.
The Lord, My Bodyguard
Most of the world’s political leaders, including Presidents and other dignitaries, are well protected by their personal bodyguards. Have you noticed, when you watch them on television addressing their nation, or even when they go overseas to represent their country, they are accompanied by their security personnel who ensure their leader’s safety wherever he goes? These bodyguards are ‘all eyes’, scouting every inch of potential danger their leader might possibly be exposed to. Despite all these necessary measures, history shows there have been many assassinations in the past. Aren’t you thankful that you have the best, strongest, ever-watchful bodyguard you could possibly have? He is none other than the God of Israel. Imagine employing a guard who sleeps on the job! Your life would be in peril. Our God neither dozes, nor sleeps (Psalm 121:3,4). He is always at your side, even shielding you from sunstroke and sheltering you from moonstruck (Psalm 121:5,6 MSG). I have driven alone in the dead of night on deserted highways and lonely stretches, but I have experienced God’s protective presence around me and He has brought me safely home each time. I encourage you to trust Jesus as your bodyguard. He will guard you from every evil. Your surroundings may look eerie and frightening, but He has promised to protect you wherever you go. So, the next time you have to leave the comfort and security of your home and step out into unknown territory, do not be afraid. The danger you are facing today may be physical, or a challenge at school, or at the workplace. You can trust God to keep His promise to you and be your faithful and loyal bodyguard always.
Prayer Father, I thank You that You are my personal bodyguard. You are watching over me and I trust You to guard, protect and preserve me from evil always. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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