Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Are You Ready

May it be so.

God Bless.

Are You Ready?

Throughout the first century after Jesus’ death, His followers expected Him to return at any moment (Acts 1:11). They were so expectant that they sold their possessions (Acts 2:44-45), they were concerned about being left behind (1 Thess 4:13-18). They didn’t mind persecutions because deliverance was near. But somehow as the centuries have slipped by, we have lost that passionate anticipation of the Lord’s return. Maybe it is time that expectation is rekindled.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we know that the end time is drawing close. You shall return and we shall see you face to face on that day. We have to give an account of our lives and there will be no room for any excuses. Let me be conscious and alert. I want to be ready, Lord, and feel no shame standing before you at your coming. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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