Friday, May 8, 2020

Look To The Ravens

Wisdom for today and to live by. He will take care of us and He does see and will won't leave us to fend for ourselves as long as our mind and heart is stayed on Him.

God Bless.

Look at the ravens.  They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for God feeds them.  And you are far more valuable to him than any birds! (NLT) -Luke 12:24

Stock markets crash, jobs are lost, and homes are turned over. Each of these events can be devastating and alter the course of our lives. But if our identity is wrapped up in each of them, we can lose our faith in God. Don't let these earthly events cause you to worry or doubt your Heavenly Father. Your identity rests as a child of God. Remember the raven, who is far less cherished, but to whom God is still faithful.

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