Friday, May 22, 2020

Be The Answer

This is so soo soooo good! 
Please read and be encouraged and allow no one else to be left behind on your/our watch.
God Bless.

Be The Answer 
Growing up, my Dad would always tell me - “You have been called to be someone’s answer this week.” I would brush it off, just thinking it was a cliché saying that he came up with. However, in any situation in life, people are faced with difficult times and sometimes feel a lack of hope. As followers of Christ, we hold the answers of hope, peace, joy and love. We are called to spread these throughout the week.
There is a powerful passage in the bible talking about the ‘Good Samaritan.’ A man who was travelling to Jericho was attacked by robbers, who left him for dead. Both a priest and Levite encountered the man, where it says they both ‘passed on the other side’. However, a Samaritan came towards the injured man, where he took pity on him, bandaged his wounds and brought the man to an inn.
We have all been called to show the love of Jesus. Whether that is at school, buying someone lunch, doing chores for your mum or dad or bringing hope and peace into environments that seem hopeless and lifeless. We are all called to be someone’s answer, leaving no one behind.

Thank You that You are a God who leaves the 99 for the 1. Thank You that You have never left my side. Thank You that You love me and died on the cross for me, Lord, help me spread Your love throughout the world. Show me how to love like You love.

-Leave No One Behind Devotional

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