Sunday, September 27, 2020

God Cares

If this little devotional describe the time we are living in then, you are living under a rock.

This world is in choas and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. We need Jesus. We need the Holy Spirit to move amongst people so the scales can be ripped off thier eyes while calling out to Jesus to save their souls.

God knows what is going on and how to fix it but we have to be willing participants in helping His plan along and not be a hindrance to it. There are already too many of those all ready.

We have to be grounded in the knowledge He cares not only about what is going on but also the souls who are moving about in the world He created.

God Bless.

God Cares

Whether in the psalmist David's time or our own, Satan hates a city of peace and safety. He wants cities where chaos, division, anger, and confusion undermine society's very foundation. He's the father of lies and destruction. Fortunately, as David notes in verse 22, we can cast our cares and concerns on the Lord; He sustains us and will never let the righteous fall. He cares about our nation.

Prayer: Too often, dear Lord, I see the drama around me and forget you are God. I watch politicians threatening, citizens fighting, and many people ' coloring' the truth to their advantage. Instead of trusting you, I just feel frustrated and helpless. Forgive me. Like the psalmist, may I see your strong hand in maintaining justice and showing love for our city. In Jesus' name, Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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