Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Have You Confessed To God Lately

Well, isn’t this interesting little devotional.

As they say, attitude is everything and what you do with it defines you. This is one of the many reasons your mother may or may not have been so hard on you and tried to correct it.

It is amazing what us parents see and the kid or kids don't thus, this is why God is who He is. He seems every thing and does everything in his power to correct us and like those children who have come before us, what we do with the correction is what will define us not only in the eyes of God but to anyone else who may be watching.

God Bless.

If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. (NLT) -Psalm 66:18 

Have you confessed to God lately? Maybe it's important you confessed about your attitude and less important about your actions. Sin can sometimes be an action based on a false belief or attitude. Example: "I don't believe God will fulfill my need, therefore I must steal it from my sister." When we sin it creates a distance between us and God. Do you have any recurring sins that are because of a false belief? 

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