Wednesday, July 26, 2023

A Tough Choice

Something to think about.

God Bless.

For many people, it's a tough choice – pleasure today or eternal life tomorrow. We are so into instant gratification. We find it hard to wait for anything, especially pleasure. We almost want what we want yesterday! We have problems waiting for food, our vacation, and even sex. Even waiting for our computers to warm up seems to take forever! I can remember the early days when you first had to load the operating system and then the disc for whatever program you were using, and then you could begin. It was once considered "forward" to kiss on the first date! A few years ago, I met a young woman whose boyfriend couldn't understand why she wouldn't have intercourse with him after a few dates, and told her that there must be something wrong with her. Really! Television programs about men and women looking for love portray them as becoming sexual partners indiscriminately and then wonder why their relationships aren't permanent. Both men and women are damaged by this. Pornography makes us think that the perfect partner will never grow older or lose their hair, or have any other physical change, so people end marriages because they no longer have the "perfect" partner. There's a big difference between love and lust, but today's world doesn't see it. Whether it is lust, greed or gluttony, sins of the flesh abound. If we attempt to delay any pleasure until it is right, we are considered old-fashioned. However, those who look for love in a healthy way, who know that God has a plan, and are willing to wait, find happiness and joy that others deny themselves. It is never too late to begin to live according to the Spirit; and the rewards in the present as well as in the future are worth it.


Everyday we are surrounded with the beautiful reminders of your creation God: flowers, trees, animals, people. I pray that you make me work, to use me as a vessel to blossom and spread my gifts to the world, spreading your joy to all that encounter me, just as you did with Jesus Christ. His eternal harvest is one that keeps on giving, and I pray that you help me give all that I can in my time. Amen.

-Author Unknown 

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