Sunday, July 16, 2023

All The Kindness

Some much needed food for thought.

God Bless. 

Today's Quotation:

All the kindness which a person puts out into the world works on the heart and thoughts of humankind.

Albert Schweitzer

Today's Meditation:

Nothing touches the hearts and minds of others as deeply as kindness. It speaks universally, it crosses all barriers, and it opens all doors. If we wish to make this world a better place, all we must do is show more kindness.

The wonderful thing about kindness is we all have an unlimited supply of it. It costs us very little, yet it yields greatly for all. When I see the child that is sad, I can offer a smile, or say hello. To the lonely person sitting all alone, I can sit down and have a friendly conversation, or even simply sit next to them to offer them company while I eat. Who knows how much we each will benefit from the random acts of kindness we put forth in this world.

Each day we have breath to breathe, we can fill our lives with nameless acts of kindness and love. It takes very little effort when all is said and done. Make your spouse smile by leaving a loving note. Surprise your children with their favorite candy. Help your neighbor or a friend with a little chore. Visit the elderly at the nursing home. Call your parents or siblings and tell them that you love them. These acts of kindness will fill the hearts of the recipients and will overflow onto the rest of the world filling it with love and kindness.

Today's Challenge: Show kindness to three people today.

Questions to consider:

What are some of acts of kindness and love can you perform today? Are you able to do so without anyone knowing who did them?

What kinds of effects on others do such acts have?

Does the kindness you put out into the world end with that recipient, or carry on endlessly filling the cups of others in life?

For further thought:

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others.

Sam Levenson

Inspire Me Books (Amazon)

Inspire Me: Currents...
Inspire Me: The Swells...

Series of daily inspirations revisited and revised for publication. Thank you for all the interest and support through the years.

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