Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I visited the Creation Museum in Kentucky today and was blown away. Not only was the place Amazing but it was very educational.

Seeing how they viewed the creation of the world really brought the scriptures alive. It made me see the creation and the scriptures that go along with it made me think twice.

After viewing the museum, I see God and His way of bringing the earth about made me very emotional. I got to view the creation through God's eyes and I can tell you that God did not make a mistake.

It truly is amazing that God loves us that He took great detail in everything He made doing His six days of work. My prayer is that every one would visit the Creation Museum once in there lifetime and take in and enjoy the beauty of creation and experience God's love.

God Bless.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Why ask why

Do you ever find yourself in a tragic situation and asked God, 'Why? Why is this happening to me?'

For one moment, let's imagine that God actually answered that question. Would His explanation change anything? The effects of the tragedy would still be with you, and the pain would be just as severe as it was before. What would you have learned?

When we ask God that question, I think the real questions we're asking are: 'God, do You love me? Will You take care of me in my sorrow and pain? You won't leave me alone, will You?' Is it possible that, because we're afraid God doesn't truly care about us, we ask for explanations?

Instead, we must learn to say: 'Lord, I believe. I don't understand, and I'll probably never grasp all the reasons bad things happen, but I know for certain that You love me and are with me, always.'

I believe it often takes more faith to go through something victoriously than to be delivered from it. Put your faith in God and you'll come out stronger on the other side.

Thank you Joyce Myers for all the wisdom and forcing me to recheck my way of thinking.

Honestly I think I enjoy blaming God for my problems and for doing nothing about my hurting heart.

I need to look deeper within myself and suck it up and forgive God and stop asking why and start saying "not my will but thine.

God Bless.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Notice the Little Things

I know I seem to be a copy cat but this is something I feel as if God wants me to start dealing with in my life. There is no better way to get started then with the words of Joyce Myers: Every Day Promises Devotional:

Notice the Little Things

One day as I was going into an office building, a man standing nearby opened the door for me. I thanked him and smiled. "You're the fifth person I've held the door for," he said, "and you're the first one to smile and the second to thank me."

I thanked him a second time, with a smile on my face. Afterward, I thought how much we take others for granted, even in simple things, such as opening a door for a stranger.

We often commend people when they do big things for us, but how often do we appreciate the little things?

When a person does something nice for you and you thank them, it builds them up and encourages them. It means a lot to them, just like it did to the man at the office building.

Did your bus arrive on time today? If so, did you thank the driver? The last time you ate at a restaurant, did you thank the waiter for filling your coffee cup a second time without being asked? This is the point I want to make: Develop an attitude of gratitude toward the people in your life.

Prayer Starter: Lord, keep me aware so that I will notice the little, helpful things that people do for me. I don't want to be ungrateful. Instead, I want to thank them and build them up.

Let this become ingrained in our hearts that the little things matter.

God Bless.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Practice Thanksgiving

This is from Joyce Myers: Promises for Every Day Devotional:

Practicing Thankfulness

We all know that we should be grateful for our many blessings. God tells us in His Word to be thankful, and we know from our own experience that once we seriously start praising God, our burdens and troubles seem to weigh less heavily on our shoulders.

David said, "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Many evils confront the consistently righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all" (Psalm 34:1,19 AMP).

That's the power of thankfulness. Not only does it help set us free, but as we pause to give thanks to God for the blessings we enjoy in our lives, we actually begin to find more blessings, even more to be thankful for!

I encourage you to take time to practice being thankful. There is so much for us to be grateful for, and we need to focus on it, every single day. Keep in mind the admonition of the psalmist, "Be thankful and say so to Him, bless and affectionately praise His name!" (Psalm 100:4).

Prayer Starter: Dear God, the power of thankfulness is truly incredible. Thank You for blessing me daily and working in my life. I know that without You, I have nothing, so I thank You for the goodness that You have shown me.

Love it and is something I need to put into practice for myself. Won't you join me?

God Bless.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Heavenly Prospective

Go back and report to John what you hear and see: "The blind receive sight, the lame walk...and the good news is preached to the poor." It wasn't that Jesus was silent; it was that John had been listening for the wrong answer. John had been listening for an answer to his earthly problems, while Jesus was busy resolving his heavenly ones. That's worth remembering the next time you hear the silence of God.

This little tidbid once again is a taken from a portion of Max Lucado's Grace For The Moment Devotional book. This small passage speaks heart.

In fact, this passage is an answer to a prayer that went unanswered for so long. My hope in staring this with you is that this goes resident deep within your soul and when you have questions about why God is being silent then you will be able to pull the answer from what you seen hear, knowing He's working it out in the heavenlies.

God Bless.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Living in God's Presence

This is from Max Lucado's Grace For The Moment Devotional Book and I love it and couldn't say it any better:

Pray in the Spirit at all times with all kinds of prayers, asking for everything you need. - Ephesians 6:18

How do I live in God's presence? How do I detect His unseen hand on my shoulder and His inaudible voice in my ear?...How can you and I grow familiar with the voice of god? Here are a few ideas:

1. Give God your waking thoughts. Before you face the day, face the Father. Before you step out of bed, step into His presence.

2. Give God waiting thoughts. Spend time with Him in silence.

3. Give God your whispering thoughts...Imagine considering every moment as a potential time communion with God.

4. Give God your waning thoughts. At the end of the day, let your mind settle on Him. Conclude the day as you begin it: talking to God.

Nothing I can add but to put it into practice.

God Bless.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Life can be a waiting game

I don't know about you but I hate waiting especially when I feel it's important or if I feel it is going to effect my family.

Waiting makes me feel like I'm out of control. There is nothing I can do about the situation because it is in someone else's hands. It is a frightening feeling and I don't like how it makes me feel and how I then take it out on my family. It's true, you always hurt the ones you love.

The thing about waiting is it is God's chance to do something in your life. Waiting is a chance for us to practice what is written. It is a chance for us to grow stronger in Christ. It is a chance for us to become totally reliant on the Holy Spirit.

Waiting is a chance for us to do something big after the waiting period is over and we have the directive God wants us to take.

So if we love God then waiting shouldn't come as a surprise to us but as a way for us to become closer to the one who demonstrated waiting as a way of life perfectly with no complaints but lived in expectation that we would follow suite.

So waiting is the next big thing to do and live if you want to be apart of something bigger than a life you can control.

God Bless.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Love this

The Hidden Power of Confession

What do you usually think of when you hear the word "confession"? Many people think first of the definition that has a negative connotation, being forced to admit you have done something wrong. But when we agree with God's Word by "confessing" it out loud, the result is always positive.

An acquaintance of mine says we cannot defeat Goliath with our mouths shut. When David was preparing to do battle with the giant Goliath, he ran toward him, confessing out loud what he believed the end result of the battle would be: "This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand... "(1 Sam. 17:46 AMP).

This is a good example of how we should approach the enemies in our own lives. We must open our mouths and speak the Word of God.

I strongly encourage you to confess the Word of God out loud daily. Each time a thought comes to your mind that does not agree with God's Word, confess the truth of His Word out loud, and you will find that the power of the Word will overcome the lie.

Prayer Starter: God, I know that Your Word is powerful...nothing can stand against it. Every time I find myself in a difficult situation, remind me to confess Your Word out loud.

This is from Joyce Myers yearly devotion so take it in and put it into practice.

God Bless.

Keeping the faith

Nothing is harder than keeping the faith when your hit with a trial of epic proportion. Problems seem to like to hit out of the blue when you least expect them. Those seem to be the ones that cripple the foundation or the ones that try there best to find the hidden cracks and the sad part, or at least for me, there always are..

As I sit in a hospital for the last to two days, I have come to realize it is time for me to to get serious about my faith.

I need to forget about stuff and let go of thoughts God has disappointed me. I need to act like a grown up instead of a selfish child who wants her way.

I need to get in the position where I can walk into the hospital and clean house by emptying these beds. The bible says to keep the faith in so many different ways that I no longer have an excuse.

I know the truth and the truth will set me free and when I'm free faith would be an issue and Jesus will be seen big in me!

God Bless.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Don't Fake it!

When you want to do something or have been asked to do something that you feel you should do, do it. Do it with your whole heart and let nothing stand in your way. Do it because you love it, have the need to do it, and you feel complete by doing it. Do it as long as you feel like this is your thing.

But what do you do when you come to a place where you know your suppose to do it still but you don't feel like you have what it takes to complete it? Nothing.

For example. I write for a local paper and when I don't have an article bubbling up within me, I don't write it. There have been times when it has come down to the last few minutes when the article is due is when I know I have something to say and I begin to hammer out the article. It is not always fun, and always scaring but God always comes through.

There are times in your life faking seems to be the order of the day but when it comes to moving and hearing God, faking it is totally out of the question. It's not an option.

People are looking for the real deal. Nothing fake. There is to much fakeness in the world these days and people can see right through you and it doesn't help God's reputation if your saying God sent you. Although God doesn't need defended but what He does need are people who are not willing to comprise their belief system.

We need to willing to say no every once in awhile exceptionally if you don't have the anointing it takes to carry out what is being asked of you. Never let comprise ruin what God wants to do in your life.

When it feels like you don't have nothing and won't have nothing and what are you going to do....just know you've been promoted in the area of trust. God wants to make sure He can trust you and you trust Him in every area of your life. Believe me, it isn't easy but one day, the payoff will be soooooooo worth it.

Stay strong, protect yourself, and whatever you do, don't fake what God has called you to do.

God Bless.

Come join me! Today I am reading day 69 of Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Why Do I allow myself to get in the way?

Over and over for the last month or so, I've allowed myself to get distracted from the things I really want to do and what I think I'm suppose to do.

I allow people to dictate my life. When people say I should to this or that, I listen instead of listening and finding out for myself what I should do from God.

I can't be the only one. I wonder if I would listen to God half as much as I listen to people, how much further I would be. When am I going to grow up? When am I going to stop being a pushover? When am I going to just cut loose and do the thing I feel to do?

When I don't feel like someone is going to jump all over my case. That's when and from the looks of it, it isn't going to be any time soon if I keep going this way.

I need to talk with God, listen, and obey. I need to become stronger in who I am and weaker in who people think I should be.

The problem is hurting people I love or causing a commotion. I can cause trouble any other time over the silliest things but when it comes to me, I'm a push over.

God help me. I'm more than a conquer and I can over come my enemies even if they are family members.

I need to quite the lukewarmness and get passionate about the things I love. So stay tune, you never know where and when I'm going to turn up and how much heat I'll be throwing but one thing I know, day by day, I'm changing not into the person others want me to be but into the person I was created to be.

God Bless.