Monday, June 18, 2012

Life can be a waiting game

I don't know about you but I hate waiting especially when I feel it's important or if I feel it is going to effect my family.

Waiting makes me feel like I'm out of control. There is nothing I can do about the situation because it is in someone else's hands. It is a frightening feeling and I don't like how it makes me feel and how I then take it out on my family. It's true, you always hurt the ones you love.

The thing about waiting is it is God's chance to do something in your life. Waiting is a chance for us to practice what is written. It is a chance for us to grow stronger in Christ. It is a chance for us to become totally reliant on the Holy Spirit.

Waiting is a chance for us to do something big after the waiting period is over and we have the directive God wants us to take.

So if we love God then waiting shouldn't come as a surprise to us but as a way for us to become closer to the one who demonstrated waiting as a way of life perfectly with no complaints but lived in expectation that we would follow suite.

So waiting is the next big thing to do and live if you want to be apart of something bigger than a life you can control.

God Bless.

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