Friday, June 15, 2012

Don't Fake it!

When you want to do something or have been asked to do something that you feel you should do, do it. Do it with your whole heart and let nothing stand in your way. Do it because you love it, have the need to do it, and you feel complete by doing it. Do it as long as you feel like this is your thing.

But what do you do when you come to a place where you know your suppose to do it still but you don't feel like you have what it takes to complete it? Nothing.

For example. I write for a local paper and when I don't have an article bubbling up within me, I don't write it. There have been times when it has come down to the last few minutes when the article is due is when I know I have something to say and I begin to hammer out the article. It is not always fun, and always scaring but God always comes through.

There are times in your life faking seems to be the order of the day but when it comes to moving and hearing God, faking it is totally out of the question. It's not an option.

People are looking for the real deal. Nothing fake. There is to much fakeness in the world these days and people can see right through you and it doesn't help God's reputation if your saying God sent you. Although God doesn't need defended but what He does need are people who are not willing to comprise their belief system.

We need to willing to say no every once in awhile exceptionally if you don't have the anointing it takes to carry out what is being asked of you. Never let comprise ruin what God wants to do in your life.

When it feels like you don't have nothing and won't have nothing and what are you going to do....just know you've been promoted in the area of trust. God wants to make sure He can trust you and you trust Him in every area of your life. Believe me, it isn't easy but one day, the payoff will be soooooooo worth it.

Stay strong, protect yourself, and whatever you do, don't fake what God has called you to do.

God Bless.

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