Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Living in God's Presence

This is from Max Lucado's Grace For The Moment Devotional Book and I love it and couldn't say it any better:

Pray in the Spirit at all times with all kinds of prayers, asking for everything you need. - Ephesians 6:18

How do I live in God's presence? How do I detect His unseen hand on my shoulder and His inaudible voice in my ear?...How can you and I grow familiar with the voice of god? Here are a few ideas:

1. Give God your waking thoughts. Before you face the day, face the Father. Before you step out of bed, step into His presence.

2. Give God waiting thoughts. Spend time with Him in silence.

3. Give God your whispering thoughts...Imagine considering every moment as a potential time communion with God.

4. Give God your waning thoughts. At the end of the day, let your mind settle on Him. Conclude the day as you begin it: talking to God.

Nothing I can add but to put it into practice.

God Bless.

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