Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's Okay

Don't you agree? I long to become free and let God take control but sometimes my eyes sees to much and I focus on what is going on around me. Yes, I watch the news and within five minutes I wish I would have never bothered. 

So much wrong with the world and at timers the trouble comes walking right into my home with put a proper invite. Once in, the problem tears me away from being a daughter of the king into a wreck with no way out. It grabs my attention and will not free me. 

After time, I begin again at the foundation of the Word, build myself up, and I feel the problem losing hold on my life until it finally lets me go. The problem is I lose valuable time and my efforts are place in the wrong thing which may cause me to go around the same mountain again and again. 

My greatest desire is for me to grow up and believe the quote above. I have to wonder if I did just that, where would my life lead me. 

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