Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It's Time to Praise God

I don't know about you but I always seem to come across things that take me away from God and what I want to do. Instead of looking to God for insight, I look at the issues at hand and begin to dwel and focus on them and in turn, this separates me from God. 

God doesn't separate Himself from me but because I can't grow up, I find myself being separated from God more than like. So as I was reading today, I ran across this in my devotional book from Max Lucado's: Grace for the Moment and I wanted it to share it. It spoke the answer I needed to hear for any of my given situations.

You are a great God.
Your character is holy.
Your truth is absolute.
Your strength is unending.
Your discipline is fair...

Your provision are abundant for our needs.
Your light is adequate for our path.
Your grace is sufficient for our sins...

You are never early, never late...
You sent Your Son in fullness of time and 
Will returner the consummation of time.
Your plan is perfect.
Bewildering. Puzzling. Troubling.
But perfect.

Amen and God Bless!

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