Sunday, October 27, 2013

Wounded in the House

I recently read something that struck the very nerve of my heart. It was one sentence but the words in the sentence are powerful. Here it is and let us open our hearts and ears as we try to hear what God is saying to each and everyone of us:

"Wounded in the house of My friends."

It is not the unbelief of His enemies that hurts Hm, but by His friends who say they love and knows Him. People who cannot walk all the way with Him, and doubt Hs power are breaking His heart. 

The only question that remains is do I fall into one of those categories listed above. Am I wounding the very heart of God? It is sad to say maybe not all the time, but I find myself falling into one of those categories from time to time.

I do not believe Him when He states in Hs word His love can bear everything which is the first step in believing and bring sold out. Yet even though I struggle on a daily basis I know and I strive for God's picture He has of me.

I will continue to try to put the past behind me and move towards the higher calling He has put on my life and I know in the end I will stop wounding my Lord and Savior. Join me in stopping the wounding of His heart.

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