Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Passionately Seeking

Are you passionately seeking God? Am I? Are you a doer of the word? Am I? What is our believe where Matthew 6:33 is concerned? 

Matthew 6:33?

King James Version (KJV)

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Do you feel God is calling us to a higher life? A life that reflects His character in all that we do. 

Have we committed ourselves to passionately seek him and be willing to be allowed by Him to take us on a journey of a lifetime?

Passionately seeking Him is the key to our destiny. We must spend time in prayer and in the word so we can be transformed into His likeness.

When we completely surrender and turn our passion back to the Father, I can help thinking if that will be the moment God, the Father of us all, will pour Himself out on His people so we can go to the highways and byways and change a nation that was once on fire and established for God back into a powerhouse of God's power. 

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