Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Eyes of the Heart

People need the Lord and we are the vessels. Ever wondered how people was going to be saved? Need to be a famous preacher? No. Need some gimick? No.

So what is needed? Just people who are willing to pray and care about people. People don't need God shoved down thier throats or to see protest against thier sin. What they need is to see the love of Christ shown from one person to another.

You don't have to accept their sin, for it's been my experience they already know what they are doing is sin, however, you need to accept them for God created them just like he created you.

People need the Lord. Not judgement or any other religious condemnation.

What would happen if we, as Christians started a revolution of prayer instead! We could change the world!

God Bless

Ephesians 1:18-21 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.

That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.

Today, pray verse 18 and 19 for all believers, especially yourself. Honestly, this verse leaves me reeling and amazed, awestruck and utterly dependent, grateful and engaged by a God who entrusted us with so much and loves us so much. Let this verse penetrate your heart and fill it with hope, belief, and understanding.

Verse/Commentary courtesy of 'Jesus Daily: Bible Devotional' android app.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My Security

I know my fears yet I don't know how to remedy them. I don't know how to let go and let Jesus. I sometimes truly believe I live a wishy-washy way of life and I'll never get it right.

I am more fear based than faith based than anyone I know. I struggle long and hard over things I don't have too because I'm too afraid to let them go. My hopes are scattered and I find it hard to muster any at all at times. I know who I run to and it's not necessary Jesus all the time.

God forgive me!

God Bless.

Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: "Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem, a firm and tested stone. It is a precious cornerstone that is safe to build on. Whoever believes need never be shaken. (NLT) -Isaiah 28:16

How can you identify where you put your security? The answer lies in knowing what it is you fear. A job loss, death of a family member, or your loss of independence, perhaps. Each of these events can chip away at your security when it is placed on a vulnerable place other than the Lord. Begin to place your hopes and dreams by orienting your life more towards Jesus with a relationship.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Genuine Affection

Oh how the world needs to follow this devotional! There is so much going on in the world. Isn't it time we stopped condemning and start loving? God is love, he'd never not serve someone so way are we? Yes, we are to hate the sin but not the sinner but somehow we've not only hate the sin but also the sinner.

God help us! Teach us Your way, Lord!

God Bless.

Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. (NLT) -Romans 12:10

How sad it is to see Christians persecuting others for their religion. Of course, it's important to share our faith, but we need to do it as a light to others through love. Desecrating other religions only ostracizes and angers its followers further from wanting to learn more about the love of Christ. Use your faith for good. Respect others and keep the golden rule in mind - love one another.

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Monday, February 23, 2015

A Christian Virtue

Oh this devotional is a good one! Need to take it to heart and have it stamped upon my soul!

I always need a reminder of whom I represent and this devotional gives me just the nudge I need to look at a situation but most importantly a person different.

It's always good to ask, What would Jesus do!

God Bless

A Christian Virtue

I am being very frank about this, and I hope I am being helpful: do not ever say you are not right with God because you like some people better than others! I believe you can be right with God and still not like the way some people behave. It is easy to love those who are the friendly; others rub us the wrong way or perhaps they cut us down.

The writer to the Hebrews has appealed to us as Christian believers to "let brotherly love continue"—in other words, "never stop loving one another in the Lord." Here is what I have found: it is possible to love people in the Lord even though you may not like their boorish or distasteful human traits. We still love them for Jesus' sake!

Yes, I believe you can be right with God and still not like the way some people behave. Our admonition is to love them in a larger and more comprehensive way because we are all one in Christ Jesus. This kind of love is indeed a Christian virtue!

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Friday, February 20, 2015


I've always wondered about God's justice and how it operates. I ran across this devotional and things became clearer.

No, I'm not saying I have all the answers to how God justice works but I now have some place I can start and put a foundation on about the subject thanks to this devotional.

I love a devotional that makes me think and gets me a conversation between me and the One who will lead me to the answers I need to know to further my walk with Him.

God Bless.

Psalm 48:9-11 Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love. Like your name, O God, your praise reaches to the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with righteousness. Mount Zion rejoices, the villages of Judah are glad because of your judgments.

 For those who believe in Jesus Christ, God's justice includes abounding love, grace, and mercy. This means that instead of being measured and judged according to our own deeds in this life, we will be judged according to the righteousness of Christ Jesus, in whom we have placed our trust.

This truth however, does not change the nature of God, because He is Holy, and He is Just. For those that have not received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they will be judged according to their deeds, and no matter what their accomplishments, they will fall short of earning right relationship with God.

 Verse courtesy of 'Psalm-A-Day' android app.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Power of Release

I so need this. I have much work to do on myself. I wanted to share what I need to work on for myself.

God Bless.

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

When you are set on fulfilling God’s purpose for your life, you must remember to release people and situations to God. Why? Because it will destroy you and will hinder your spiritual progress if you don’t. Obey God and release them. You can’t free them by your power. You can’t deliver anyone in your own strength. You can’t change anything about that situation by yourself. You can’t, but God can. And if anything miraculous is going to happen, it’s going to be by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Don’t take upon yourself a responsibility God didn’t give you. Don’t worry yourself trying to figure out what you can do to save them. Do only what God tells you to do and then release it to Him. I know it’s tough, but you must know that God cares for that person AND for you. Give it to Him and stand back and watch Him work.

God is saying by His Spirit, “I will do what I promised. I will save you and your household. Trust Me. Entrust them to Me. I can go where you can’t. I can see where You can’t. Nothing is hidden from Me. I need You to release them to Me. Give it all to Me and You will see Me demonstrate My love and My power in ways You can’t imagine.”

Prayer: Father God, I thank You for speaking directly to my heart. I care so much for the people in my life and I want to see them experience the life and freedom that I am experiencing in You. I exercise the power You have given me through Jesus and I release them by faith into Your care. Because I am well acquainted with Your love, I know You got them. I trust You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Challenge for You: Make a list of every person you are carrying on your heart and are worried about, and go down the list and say, “Lord, I release ____(say their name)___ to You. I entrust them into Your care. Have Your way in their lives. In Jesus name.”

Daughter's of the King Devotional

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sanctification of the Soul

I have always wondered what sanctification meant. I've heard so many different sermons about what the preacher thinks his idea of sanctification is.

Upon hearing all these sermons,  I've always left feeling dirty and unworthy. So when I read this devotional by Joyce Meyer, it made a whole lot of sense and I know feel like I've got some grasp on the subject and I knew I had to share the knowledge.

God Bless.

Sanctification of the Soul

by Joyce Meyer

So get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness, and in a humble (gentle, modest) spirit receive and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted [in your hearts] contains the power to save your souls.
—James 1:21

Once you are born again, your spirit has been reborn and you will go to heaven when you die. But God is not finished—He is just beginning. You need to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12 KJV). In other words, your soul needs to be saved. The soul is often defined as the mind, the will, and the emotions. Each of these areas needs salvation.

The Holy Spirit works relentlessly to transform the whole man into God’s perfect will. This process is called sanctification. When your soul is renewed with His Word, you think His thoughts and not your own. Submit yourself to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to change every thought and motive.

From the book Ending Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Your Breath

Think about it. God's very breath formed man and His spoken word created. It truly is amazing how God works. 

I have such a curiosity about Him that I can't fathom everyone else doesn't share my enthusiasm about God.

I never get bored reading about In the beginning. I always find something new and this devotional is no exception. 

God Bless.

Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. 

Your breath belongs to God. When I read this verse, I think about how merciful God is that He continues to let us all live. I know we are saved by Christ, yet how long did God continue with Israel? 

Multiple generations at a time would turn away from Him, yet He continued to allow them to breathe. We cannot imagine the extent of God’s mercy – especially when considering our gift of eternal life through Christ alone. Every person on this earth is breathing because of God’s gift of life. Without the breath of God, we are only dust. It is God who made us, and He makes us who we truly are. 

 Verse/Commentary courtesy of 'Jesus Daily: Bible Devotional' android app.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Are You Godly or Earthly

I have fallen into a season of earthlyness.  It's eaay to do when you don't want to be faced with life's problems.

It's easier to watch Keeping up with the Kardashians than deal with the unruly child. It's easier to let the television and the mall purchases be your guide than talk with you husband about how much over budget you are.

Its easier to complain about your neighbors than to pray for them.

Surely I can't be be the only one that has zoned out for awhile.

God Bless.

You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. (NLT) -Matthew 5:13

Is your child or other family members seeing the earthly ways reinforced by you? Often, our culture does not align with God’s will. We experience the earthly ways everyday while at work, school and social gatherings.

But at home, we can choose to either further rid the salt of its flavor or make it salty again. Choose to do God’s will and be a good spiritual role model for your family by “doing the right thing.”

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A Honest Witness

I'll tell you right now, I am no good when I am backed into a corner.  I come out fighting with whatever lie I can tell that makes me look good.

I'm self centered all the way. And unfortunately, this will never do in the kingdom of God.

So it must become a little less me and a whole lot of Him.

God Bless.

An honest witness tells the truth; a false witness tells lies. (NLT) -Proverbs 12:17

How honest are you? Do you tell the truth even if it doesn't benefit you?

The real test to your answer is time. Truth trumps every time. Pretty soon your character begins to take shape and over time you are either known for telling the truth or being a liar.

Your heavenly Father takes pleasure when you are honest and you bring glory to His name when you set an example.

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The Righteous Shall Live by Faith

Sometimes I think I am a lukewarm Christian.  I fluctuate between day's but mostly I fluctuate by what type of problem I am faced with

If I know it's going to be simple, then I am a good little Christian but if the problem is going to be long and difficult and send me through things I rather not go, I play with being a Christian and forget everything I know that is good about God.

These are the last day's and I  meed to suck it up and run the race so that I may hear, "well done thou good and faithful servant."

God Bless.

"The Righteous Shall Live by Faith":

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, 'The righteous shall live by faith.' (Romans 1 : 16 - 17 - ESV)

I found this using "Words of Apostles Daily" for Android, iOS and Kindle Fire! (

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I don't know about anyone else but I lack confidence. 

I was raised in a home where my family didn't know what to do with me and so they just played it by ear and truly did the best they knew how.

Yet through it all, I always wondered and not really truly grasping who I was all my life and I have found throughout my lifetime confidence in who I am would have been a whole lot better as well as served me better for the troubles of life.

So this devotional hits home for me and I wanted to share it.

God Bless.

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. (NLT) -Hebrews 11:1

Faith can be simplified to mean trust. It's trusting in God even though you can't see, smell, or touch Him. It's trusting that He loves you and will always have your best interest at heart.

Once you believe that He loves you, it becomes easier to place more faith in Him. How are you faithfully trusting in God?

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Monday, February 9, 2015

What Is Love

This is such a good devotional!

The content of of the devotional is something that needs to be taught and put into practice.

It's time we become doers of the word...let's start a revolution!

God Bless.

What is Love?
Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

If I talk a lot about God and the Bible and the Church, but I fail to ask about your needs and then help you, I’m simply making a lot of empty religious noise.

If I graduate from theological seminary and know all the answers to questions you’ll never even think of asking, and if I have all the degrees to prove it and if I say I believe in God with all my heart, and soul and strength, and claim to have incredible answers to my prayers to show it, but I fail to take the time to find out where you’re at and what makes you laugh and why you cry, I’m nothing.

If I sell an extra car and some of my books to raise money for some poor starving kids somewhere, and if I give my life for God’s service and burn out after pouring everything I have into the work, but do it all without ever once thinking about the people, the real hurting people-the moms and dads and sons and daughters and orphans and widows and the lonely and hurting-if I pour my life into the Kingdom but forget to make it relevant to those here on earth, my energy is wasted, and so is my life.

Here is what love is like–genuine love. God’s kind of love. It’s patient. It can wait. It helps others, even if they never find out who did it. Love doesn’t look for greener pastures or dream of how things could be better if I just got rid of all my current commitments. Love doesn’t boast. It doesn’t try to build itself up to be something it isn’t. Love doesn’t act in a loose, immoral way. It doesn’t seek to take, but it willingly gives. Love doesn’t lose its cool. It doesn’t turn on and off.

Love doesn’t think about how bad the other person is, and certainly doesn’t think of how it could get back at someone. Love is grieved deeply (as God is) over the evil in this world, but it rejoices over truth.

Love comes and sits with you when you’re feeling down and finds out what is wrong. It empathizes with you and believes in you. Love knows you’ll come through just as God planned, and love sticks right beside you all the way. Love doesn’t give up, or quit, or diminish or go home. Love keeps on keeping on, even when everything goes wrong and the feelings leave and the other person doesn’t seem as special anymore. Love succeeds 100 percent of the time. That, my friend, is what real love is!” If I talk a lot about God and the Bible and the Church, but I fail to ask about your needs and then help you, I’m simply making a lot of empty religious noise.


Daughters of the King Daily Devotional

A New Level of Commitment

This seems to be the new theme in my life right now and hopefully it speaks volumes to you.

God Bless.

A New Level of Commitment
by Joyce Meyer - posted February 09, 2015

Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass.
- Psalm 37:5

God wants to take us to a new level of commitment. This is something to be excited about and grateful for because with commitment comes blessing. It’s not always easy, but it is worth all it requires. We all fight battles and face the temptation to stop fighting and just give up, but commitment is the thing that enables us to resist that temptation.

When you are fiercely committed to God’s purpose for your life, you will begin to experience all that He has for you. God loves you and He wants you to be in a committed relationship with Him— for life. I can’t imagine anything more satisfying, more rewarding, or more adventurous. He has more in store for you than you have ever asked or imagined, but in order to see His plans become a reality in your life you will need to be 100 percent committed to Him and His will.

Prayer of Thanks
Father, I choose to commit my life fully to You. I thank You that You are leading me into the destiny You have for me. With Your help, I will focus on You and commit every part of my life to Your plan and purpose for me.

From the book The Power of Being Thankful by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2014 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Nothing New Under the Sun

This devotional is good to keep hidden in the heart. It has at least two meanings in my eyes.

Yes, nothing is going to surprise God but more importantly, it should be all about God anyway.

God Bless.

History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new. (NLT) -Ecclesiastes 1:9

When we gain meaning from anything apart from God we are never completely satisfied. It is only when we seek God that we are truly content in ourselves, our circumstances, and our relationships.

While there may be nothing new under the sun, you certainly can count on a relationship with God that is refreshing and satisfying. What are you thankful for that God has been showing you lately?

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Nurturing Your Seed

Oh, how I need to nurture my seed. I have lapsed and I can't seem to get it back! It is like exercise, once I've stopped, I have to work even harder to get back into shape.

God BLess.

"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches." (NLT) -Matthew 13:31-32

Are you nurturing your seed of faith? Do you regularly water, weed, and fertilize it for optimum growth?

Steady plotting of spending time reading, praying and praising God will result in a beautiful tree of faith.

Pretty soon your strong faith will be attractive to all who surround you. Start today with putting 15 minutes of your focus on God.

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Thursday, February 5, 2015

You Have Heard the Word of Truth

Oh, how I need to take this to heart and become a doer of this devotional not for my sake but for the people I love, but for my neighbors, my town, my county, my state, and for my country. 

Won't you join me?

God Bless.

Ephesians 1:13-14 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation.

When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

Have you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation? (vs. 13)

Who in your life has not heard the word of truth?

Tell them, show them, and pray for them; a day will come when it is too late. Is there someone in your life who has heard the word of truth and has rejected it?

Pray for them, that God may find a place for them among His people and break through the hardness of their hearts. Do not be ashamed of the gospel, it is the only hope for all people.

Verse/Commentary courtesy of 'Jesus Daily: Bible Devotional' android app.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Understanding Authority

I can't be the only one who needs to understand authority!

God Bless.

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1 NLT

There is a secret place under the shadow of the Almighty where there is liberty, provision, and protection. It is accessed by obedience to His authority. Yet too many believers do not enjoy this hidden place. Instead, they seek freedom and security outside of it, in a realm where the very opposite exists. They are tricked into believing that true and lasting freedom can be found away from divine authority.

Adam and Eve enjoyed freedom and protection under God’s cover in the Garden of Eden. However, the moment they disobeyed God, they found themselves in great need of the very thing they had voluntarily slipped out from under: theirs was the need “to cover themselves” (Genesis 3:7 NLT). Their disobedience to God’s authority robbed mankind of the sweet freedom and protection they’d once known.

Let’s face it. Authority is not a popular word. Yet by rejecting or fearing it, we lose sight of the great protection and benefits authority provides. We shudder because we don’t see it from God’s perspective.

Remember this: your heavenly Father’s ways are perfect. When we follow the leading of God’s Spirit, even what may look presently detrimental or hurtful will actually be His positioning for protection, blessing, or another’s salvation. Never forget, His love for us is pure, complete, and everlasting!

Do you tend to push back from the idea of authority? How does seeing God as a good and trustworthy Father change your point of view? As you begin the new year, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His perspective on authority. He will give you wisdom, understanding, and the grace to walk out His truth in your own life.

Adapted from Under Cover: The Promise of Protection Under His Authority (Thomas Nelson, 2001)

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Does Obedience Matter?

If there is one thing I am learning, obedience matters.

If I would have only listen to what I was told. I would not have been laid up for three months.

So yes, obedience matters and what is going to keep you out of trouble and safe. It's when we get too far away from it when things tend to fall apart and cause all kinds of havoc.

Yet we don't seem to believe it's our fault. It must be God's. I have an idea, let's become accountable for our own lack of judgement and disrespect for what God has called us to do.

God Bless.

Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar?

You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.

There are always consequences to disobedience; however, the effects are not always immediately recognizable or obvious.

The enemy of our souls longs to keep this knowledge from us in hopes that we will esteem obedience lightly and easily fall prey to Some people subconsciously reason that any consequences to their disobedience will be outweighed by what they perceive to be the immediate gains from their decision.

In essence, this is a belief that obedience doesn’t really matter. I am amazed by how For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and Although the law of the Spirit of life makes us free from the law of sin, the law of sin remains intact.

We are protected from it by true faith or obedience. Faith and obedience are inseparable because obedience is evidence of true faith. Obedience matters!

When we rebel against God, we reduce His image, authority, and power to a more manageable level and thus become increasingly irreverent.

People who behave in this way profess God’s lordship, but in reality, they serve a Jesus fashioned in their own image. Without realizing it, they elevate their reasoning above the throne and authority of God.

They are blinded to their true condition by the deception in their hearts. They …His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice, a God of truth and without injustice; righteous and upright is He. God is the God of truth. He graciously attempts to open our eyes to areas of disobedience, but we will not see this truth until we first humble ourselves.

So as you spend time in prayer this week, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas of deception in your life. Allow Him to give you His perspective, and receive the wisdom and guidance He shares with you.

It’s not too late to embrace a life of obedient faith!

Adapted from Under Cover: The Promise of Protection Under His Authority (Thomas Copyright © 2015 Messenger International, All rights reserved. update subscription preferences P.O. BOX 888 / Palmer Lake, CO 80133

Decision Making

I fell and broke my hip and fractured my leg.

To say these last few months have been easy would be a lie.

I have been laid up for over three months without the ability to do anything.

When you have that much time on your hands, you do a lot of thinking. My brain has been working overtime; causing me to sink further and further down the rabbit hole to nothingness.

So I need this devotional more than anyone but I also didn't want to be selfish.

So my hope is for someone to get something out of this devotional as much as I have.

God Bless. 

We have no might against this greatcompany...neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee - 2 Chronicles 20:12  

This is what great leadership looks like!

King Jehoshaphat knew that the enemy forces facing his own people were far more powerful than his small army; as he reviewed his options, he also realized there was no human scheme or strategy that could save them.

Rather than blustering or bluffing his way forward, however, he admitted to his own people, and to God, his inadequacy and led them together in this prayer for help. 

"We do not have the strength to face this challenge on our own," they confessed. Have you come to this point in your life, in your struggle? 

Not where you give up, but where you give up trying to solve and fix and overcome in your own strength, by your own willpower.

 "Neither know we what to do." Have your reached your wit's end? Have you come to the limit of your own ingenuity or cleverness? Have you reached the point where there really is no light left at the end of the tunnel, no hope of figuring out your own way out? 

Then this is the perfect place to say to God, "My eyes are on you, now." What do you want me to do? Where do you want me to be? Where should I lead my family, my children, my church? It is when you reach the end of your own rope, and put all your weight on God's, that you will discover his strength and wisdom to help and to guide and to save. 

Baptist Bible Hour