Monday, February 16, 2015

A Honest Witness

I'll tell you right now, I am no good when I am backed into a corner.  I come out fighting with whatever lie I can tell that makes me look good.

I'm self centered all the way. And unfortunately, this will never do in the kingdom of God.

So it must become a little less me and a whole lot of Him.

God Bless.

An honest witness tells the truth; a false witness tells lies. (NLT) -Proverbs 12:17

How honest are you? Do you tell the truth even if it doesn't benefit you?

The real test to your answer is time. Truth trumps every time. Pretty soon your character begins to take shape and over time you are either known for telling the truth or being a liar.

Your heavenly Father takes pleasure when you are honest and you bring glory to His name when you set an example.

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