Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Eat, Pray, Love

I have not read or seen the movie referenced below but that still didn't stop me from find insight from this little devotional.
And I love how the author of the devotional was able to use the movie to gain insight on our daily walks as Christians.
This is something I love and something I can relate to. I need simple in my life with a touch of spiritual growth.
But most of all this motivates me become a better a person and moves me enough to want to share with everyone else.
God Bless.
You may recall a book and movie titled Eat, Pray, Love, which depicts a woman’s journey across the globe.
During this journey, she finds the pleasure of nourishment, the power of prayer, and, finally, inner peace. I was recently seeking clarification about how to handle a difficult conversation.
I felt anxious, so I began praying for God’s peace and clarity. I was drawn to this verse: BE joyful always; PRAY continually; GIVE thanks in all circumstances. Be, Pray, Give . . . an easy way to prioritize our devotional lives and receive the discernment and peace needed as we search for God in all circumstances.
When we have that continual focus, we will be nourished by God and intimately connected to him—and we’ll find inner peace.
Janet Schroer North Point Community Church

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