Thursday, October 20, 2016

It's Not Easy To Feel Alone

If there is one thing I have learned in my life is that it is easier to be alone than with a bunch of people you may or may not have to be fake with.
It's easier to lay in bed under the covers than facing your life or the people in it. However, I know and I'm thankful there is someone who understands me and who will be there through thick and thin. There are people who love me and try there best to be who I need them to be but unfortunately, they can't always so that is why I have learned to lean on the best friend I could ask for, my Savior, Jesus Christ.
And I can so relate to this little devotional and I struggle to not fall into a deep depression but to rise and keep rising knowing I'm a child of God. This maybe a constant struggle for me until Jesus makes HIs return.
God Bless.
It’s easy to feel alone when your pain is unbearable and your future is uncertain.
It’s easy to look around and wonder why your life has to look so different from everyone else’s. When things seem like they’ll never get better, remember that God is fighting for you.
You are precious to HIM, and HE loves you more than you can fathom. Set your eyes on HIM, and he will bring peace and clarity, even when the loneliness is overwhelming and you feel as if your heart will never mend. Trust him and lean on him one minute at a time. He will be with you, even in the fire.
Rachel Holcomb Buckhead Church

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