Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Psalm 139

I absolutely love this little devotional I came across talking about Psalm 139.
I could not have said it any better of how I feel about my life. This little devotional gives me hope for a better future because there is someone who actually gets me.
My wish would be for anyone who feels the way I do, we would crasps and take hold of everything Psalm 139 has to offer us and see it's context in a different light, and then allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us and we would be able to walk out our revelations with confidence in what we know.
For me, that is one of the biggest things wrong with me. I have allowed others in my life to influence me and made me question everything I know. Now it's time to stand up and say no more because there is someone who knows me and loves me for who I am and is rooting for me to become the person He has destined me to be.
God Bless.
Psalm 139 is famous because it explains the personal presence of God.
It shows us how well he knows us. Regardless of our life circumstances, we often feel alone. We feel like people know our names, but not many people really "get us." Even if we’re married or have children, we often feel misunderstood.
It's rare that we feel like someone really understands our hearts. That's the wonderful thing about God. Not only did he make us, he has been with us every moment. He’s acutely aware of every thought, movement, dream, and fear. He "gets us”! This passage reminds us that he travels with us. As you move through this day, he has gone ahead of you.
As you reflect on yesterday, he has followed behind you. But best of all, right now in this moment, he places his hand of gracious blessing on your head. Yes, yours! Our heavenly Father knows you intimately. His Spirit dwells inside you. He gets you, and he is with you.
Sean Seay Athens Church

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