Thursday, October 13, 2016

Lost Sheep

I can honestly say for years, I have felt lost and didn't have anyone to guide me in the right direction. With everything I've gone through in my life, I can easily justify being a goon who doesn't know a thing, who allows everyone around her to control her, and then take their word on who they think I am.

By listening, I've loosen my body, soul, and mind to form a person who is unrecognizable to her one true Shepard. Instead of taking His hand, I've followed the other sheep instead. Oh, the years I've wasted.

But thank God, I have now seen the light and I'm moving and becoming into what He says I am. I have indeed taken the Shepard's hand and allowed Him to carry me on His back as a sheep that has a broken leg and needs to learn who is master truly is.

I can not, and will not allow myself to climb down off of the shoulders from the one who has died for me, who makes intercession for me, and loves me with a love I can't fathom.

On the shoulders of my true Shepard, I will stay.

God Bless.

So my people are wandering like lost sheep; they are attacked because they have no shepherd. (NLT) -Zechariah 10:2

Do you ever feel as though you are just wandering through life? Without a shepherd in our lives, we leave ourselves vulnerable to attack.

Attacks from others and even attacks against ourselves can come our way.

Make room in your life for God to provide purpose and direction.

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