Friday, October 21, 2016

God's Visible Wisdom

Love, love, love, and more love this little devotional.
I have always wanted to know what God looked like. I'm mean seriously, am I the only one?
And of course I have heard the sermon's that Jesus and the Father is one but until this littl   e devotional, it never really clicked for me. I mean wow, right?
Jesus is God and we are to look like Jesus which makes us exactly looking like God. I don't know. But for me, this is breaking news worthy. I now see with my own little eyes how it all is suppose to look and if I don't except who I am, then I can never see God or Jesus in me.
I maybe rambling here but really if you truly look and study and ask for the scales to be taken off your eyes, you just might see it the way I see it.
And if not, that's okay too but hopefully you will find this little devotional worth the read.
God Bless.
God’s Visible Wisdom

I think sometimes we get too caught up in the abstract definition of God.
I think we think lofty, and abstract, and have trouble defining what that looks like when God already told us and showed us. Paul makes it clear that Jesus is God and if you want to know what God is like look to Jesus. He came down and lived among us and we now know what God is like. And to take that further Paul says the church, the family of God, following Jesus, is the manifold wisdom of God. We are the active display of God’s redemptive purposes in the world.
How would your behavior change if you really believed that today? What can you do to show the wisdom of God as the Church today?
Author Unknown

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