Monday, July 31, 2017

A New Start

Who wouldn't want a new start? I know I would. In fact, about once a week I find myself, 'if I knew then what I know now.'
This is my human nature but thank God I also have a spiritual nature who knows without a doubt her God's mercy and grace are new every day. 
My spiritual nature knows that once I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior I  became a brand new creature and has someone in my corner leading and guiding me and has and has given me a future of hope full of love, compassion, and a desire to see the world change.
God Bless.
A New Start
Doesn't a new start sound great? When life becomes difficult, when you have failed several times, when you mess up a perfect relationship, when you are bored of your job, your house, your friends, and family, a new start sounds absolutely exciting when we find ourselves stuck and in the mediocrities of life. Do you know what Jesus did on the cross over two thousand years ago enables you to have a new start even now? Though many believers know this truth, they still live beneath this truth every day because somehow the lie of the old life seems to envelop their souls. The truth is the enemy of our souls knows if he can keep us looking back we would make very little progress in the future God has for us. All of us have a past and for some, it may be memorable, and for others, it may be horrible. Whatever the past looks like the enemy majors in causing us to indulge in what was. We serve a God that loves to plan ahead for His children, and scripture tells us that His plans are always good in the end. (Jeremiah 29:11).
As a pastor, I am afforded the opportunity to minister to all types of people that range from young to old, mature and immature, strong and weak but what I have come to recognize is from the least to the greatest the most common issues among them all is letting go of the past. I spent or should I say, "Wasted" a lot of time and energy on what was, and what could have been. But I am grateful for the present and the bright future that God has for us. I want to encourage you to take time through this plan to make a commitment to stop looking back at the negatives. Our memory is not the enemy but the way we use our memory will determine the detriment. When I look back on life it is for only moments of seeing what God did and how He brought me through. As you journey with me I want you to understand that a new start is available to you no matter where you've been or what you have done. Jesus died to save and give you a brand new start. I believe Jesus specializes in new beginnings and now I look at every disappointment, hurt and pain as a chance to birth something new.
We do ourselves a great injustice and we lock God out when we choose to keep looking back in a negative way. We were made to move forward and it's time to stop looking back. Holy Spirit, help me from today to live my life with a view of what is ahead; help me to stop looking back!
-Tool box for life devotional
By Rick Warren

Friday, July 28, 2017

Identify The Real Enemy

If someone would have asked me five years ago if I knew who my real enemy was, I would have blamed everyone and their brother.
I was mature and selfish and I thought I was entitled to have things my way and I had no problem in putting the blame where I thought it should go, usually on people who I felt hurt, used, or made fun of me.
But thank God, He has done a great work in me and I know better now. I know who my real enemy is and how he uses the people closest to me to trip me up when I am finally walking in His will.
And I am so thankful for these little devotional's who encourage me to keep pressing towards the mark of the prize and my prayer whoever may read this will find encouragement as well.
God Bless.
Identify the Real Enemy
by Gloria Copeland
“But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.” 2 Timothy 3:10-11
Persecution comes through people...sometimes through those we love the most and are closest to. But despite what you’re tempted to believe, those people are not the source of your problem. According to Mark 4, it’s the devil himself who stirs up persecution. It’s one of the strategies he uses to steal the Word out of your heart. So when persecution comes your way, don’t get sidetracked by getting angry with the people involved. They aren’t operating on their own, they’re being driven by the devil’s influence. Use the power and authority Jesus has given you and bind that persecuting devil. Then break the power of deception over the people he has been using, and pray that they’ll be free to know the truth. Once you understand who the real enemy is, and pray accordingly, the next thing God instructs you to do is to continue in your well-doing.
“For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men” (1 Peter 2:15). You’re not called to argue. You’re not called to defend your position or your name when men speak evil about you. Just leave all that in the hands of the Lord and continue doing what God has called you to do. That’s what Jesus did. He didn’t quit. When He was reviled, He reviled not. He just kept right on preaching the gospel, healing the sick and delivering all who were oppressed of the devil. He just kept right on walking in victory! I know it’s tough to be quiet in times of persecution, but you can do it if you’re confident that God will ultimately deliver you. That’s why Paul was able to live so triumphantly. In 2 Timothy 3:11, he said God delivered him from all of his persecutions! Glory to God, we’re not in this alone! When we’re in the midst of persecution, God is right there with us. So rely upon Him. Spend time in prayer. Listen to what He says. Obey His instructions when it seems like all of hell has broken loose upon you. He’ll deliver you out of those persecutions—not just once in a while, but every time! Speak the Word “The Lord delivers me out of all my persecutions.” —2 Timothy 3:11
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

If We Don't Fight Lust

Lord, this is so easy to do! I'm guilty. I may not have had a physical affair but emotionally I have.
I have dreamed what it would be like to leave my husband for this person and have acted like a fool trying to gain the person's attention.
Judge other's for what they do? How can I  when I have do most of the things people are doing instead, I will show compassion, mercy, and instead of adding them to a church prayer chain where the gossip rages, I will create my own, in the comfort of my own home and have a little talk with Jesus about my friend, then sit back and watch what He will do to change their heart's and minds.
Lust is real and should be prayed up instead of talked up.
God Bless.
Abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. (1 Peter 2:11)
When I confronted a man about the adultery he was living in, I tried to understand his situation, and I pled with him to return to his wife. Then I said, “You know, Jesus says that if you don’t fight this sin with the kind of seriousness that is willing to gouge out your own eye, you will go to hell and suffer there forever.” As a professing Christian, he looked at me in utter disbelief, as though he had never heard anything like this in his life, and said, “You mean you think a person can lose his salvation?” So, I have learned again and again from firsthand experience that there are many professing Christians who have a view of salvation that disconnects it from real life, and that nullifies the threats of the Bible, and puts the sinning person who claims to be a Christian beyond the reach of biblical warnings. I believe this view of the Christian life is comforting thousands who are on the broad way that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13). Jesus said, if you don’t fight lust, you won’t go to heaven. Not that saints always succeed. The issue is that we resolve to fight, not that we succeed flawlessly. The stakes are much higher than whether the world is blown up by a thousand long-range missiles, or terrorists bomb your city, or global warming melts the icecaps, or AIDS sweeps the nations.
All these calamities can kill only the body. But if we don’t fight lust, we lose our souls. Peter says the passions of the flesh wage war against our souls. The stakes in this war are infinitely higher than in any threat of war or terrorism. The apostle Paul listed “immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness,” then said it is “on account of these the wrath of God is coming” (Colossians 3:5–6). And the wrath of God is immeasurably more fearful than the wrath of all the nations put together.
May God give us grace to take ours and others’ souls seriously and keep up the fight.
-Author Unknown

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Dear Children, Keep Away From Anything

The world we live in today makes it almost impossible for anyone to be totally dedicated to anything, let along be dedicated to giving your whole heart to God.
Count me in as being guilty of all charges where I have to declare any sort of dedication to anything. I'm a busy person taking care of a family and trying to get through a day without losing my religion.
Thank God I have someone who is in my corner and believes in my and has faith that one day I will wake up and get my stuff together and become a powerhouse for Him and His glory.
God Bless.
Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God's place in your hearts. (NLT) -1 John 5:21
This strikes as a loving statement, said by an old man, passing along his wisdom. Prevention is the core message. The first part to preventing a straying heart is figuring out what will cause your heart to wander. Some people allow anger to fill their heart, most struggle with money, or perhaps it's slowly stepping away from our routine of connecting with God which allows a distance in our heart. What causes your heart to wander? The honest answer to this question will lead you to ways to prevent it from happening.
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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

There Are 10 Things The Name Yahweh Says About God

Have you ever had questions you think might be crazy when you read the bible?
I know I have and one of those questions I never had the nerve to voice is why and what God meant when He stated I AM.
So when I came across this little devotional, I couldn't be more excited. Not only was i excited about getting my answer, I also realized God actually cared about my question that I thought I had hidden deep in my heart becauseI felt stupid for even wondering about the Great I Am.
And it was then and there I realized, God cares even about those questions you don't express but your heart does even when you don't realize it.
God Bless.
God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations.” (Exodus 3:15)
God’s name is almost always translated LORD (all caps) in the English Bible. But the Hebrew would be pronounced something like “Yahweh,” and is built on the word for “I am.” So every time we hear the word Yahweh, or every time you see LORD in the English Bible, you should think: this is a proper name (like Peter or John) built out of the word for “I am” and reminding us each time that God absolutely is.
There are at least 10 things the name Yahweh, “I AM,” says about God:
1. He never had a beginning. Every child asks, “Who made God?” And every wise parent says, “Nobody made God. God simply is. And always was. No beginning.”
2. God will never end. If he did not come into being he cannot go out of being, because he is being.
3. God is absolute reality. There is no reality before him. There is no reality outside of him unless he wills it and makes it. He is all that was eternally. No space, no universe, no emptiness. Only God.
4. God is utterly independent. He depends on nothing to bring him into being or support him or counsel him or make him what he is.
5. Everything that is not God depends totally on God. The entire universe is utterly secondary. It came into being by God and stays in being moment by moment on God’s decision to keep it in being.
6. All the universe is by comparison to God as nothing. Contingent, dependent reality is to absolute, independent reality as a shadow to substance. As an echo to a thunderclap. All that we are amazed by in the world and in the galaxies, is, compared to God, as nothing.
7. God is constant. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He cannot be improved. He is not becoming anything. He is who he is.
8. God is the absolute standard of truth and goodness and beauty. There is no law-book to which he looks to know what is right. No almanac to establish facts. No guild to determine what is excellent or beautiful. He himself is the standard of what is right, what is true, what is beautiful.
9. God does whatever he pleases and it is always right and always beautiful and always in accord with truth. All reality that is outside of him he created and designed and governs as the absolute reality. So he is utterly free from any constraints that don’t originate from the counsel of his own will.
10. God is the most important and most valuable reality and person in the universe. He is more worthy of interest and attention and admiration and enjoyment than all other realities, including the entire universe.
Solid Joy Devotional

Monday, July 24, 2017

Voice Of The Lord

Oh, how I love this little devotional. So simple; yet so powerful.
If you want to hear God's voice, then we must stay and be in His presence for when we are in His presence we become complete.
Getting there, believing we are there, and staying there and not allowing the distractions of this world is the challenge but I know if we can conquer our mind our heart and soul will follow and it's then we will change our world.
God Bless.
Voice of the Lord
The Book of Genesis records the first mention of the voice of the Lord. Adam and Eve hid from God’s presence when they heard His voice. Notice that the voice of the Lord is connected to the presence of the Lord. Whenever God’s presence is strong, we can expect to hear His voice. This is an hour when God wants His people to draw near to Him and not hide from His voice. The Fall caused Adam and Eve to be ashamed and hide from the voice of God. Sin separated man from God, meaning he could no longer hear and perceive the motives and intentions of the heart of God. Jesus came to restore our relationship with God the Father. He wants His children to hear and know His voice. God desires to fellowship and have relationship with His creation. God inspires prophets and prophetic people to release His voice to His children. Prophets should communicate, articulate, and give voice to the heart of God. True prophetic messages should send you into the presence of the Father.
When prophets release words from the King of glory, change happens on the earth. God doesn’t want to just release information about Himself; He also wants to release the essence of who He is. When prophets prophesy, they release an awareness of the supreme greatness of God. Many times when prophets prophesy, they release the spirit of the fear of the Lord.
-Toolbox for life devotional
By Rick Warren

Friday, July 21, 2017

Awake, O Sleeper

To me, there has never been a more important time for us to wake up and get spiritually fit.
This world is going to hell in a hand basket and the only thing that can change put a stop to it is us, the church. It's time to get serious and sleep  no more because the time is short and the world is in dire need of a savior not mediums or uncaring Christian's who aree more concerned with keeping up with the Jones.
God Bless.

Awake, O Sleeper!
by Gloria Copeland
“Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but instead [let your lives be so in contrast as to] expose and reprove and convict them…. Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine (make day dawn) upon you and give you light. Look care-fully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:11, 14-16, The Amplified Bible
As I was reading this scripture some time ago, that phrase, “Awake, O sleeper,” seemed to leap out at me. It reminded me that the “daily-ness” of life can sometimes lull us to sleep spiritually. It can cause us to doze off to sleep. But I believe the Spirit of God is sending out a wake-up call to us today. He is saying, as He did in this verse, “Wake up, Sleeper! The day of the Lord is coming.” There are three things that will take us through these evil, end-time days in strength and glory: The Word of God Prayer The Guidance of the Holy Spirit You can overcome every evil that comes against you if you’ll keep your faith strong. And the simple key to keeping your faith strong is this: Stay in the Word of God. By being constant in prayer (Romans 12:12), you can maintain fellow-ship with your Father. Just talk to Him throughout your day and listen. Being in touch with Him will keep you strengthened. And you’ll see your prayers answered. If you keep your spiritual ear tuned to the Holy Spirit, and obey those promptings in your spirit, you’ll avoid the pitfalls and traps of the devil. So wake up! Throw off those covers of laziness and indifference and take your position in Christ—the Anointed One and His Anointing. Get in the Word, in prayer and obey the Holy Spirit.
Give God first place in your life and He will keep you under His shadow of protection in these last days. Speak the Word “I live purposefully and worthily and accurately. I live wisely and make the very most of the time, because Jesus is coming soon.” —Ephesians 5:15-16, The Amplified Bible Need prayer?
Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Always Start With Prayer

The wisdom in this little devotional is life-changing.

More than life changing, it brings a whole new meaning to the duh moments of life.

This little devotional is so simple to put I to practice that we will now longer have an excuse not to pray.

I see prayer warriors rising after this!

God Bless.

Always Start with Prayer

by Joyce Meyer

[And Nehemiah prayed] Hear, O our God, for we are despised. Turn their taunts upon their own heads, and give them for a prey in a land of their captivity. —Nehemiah 4:4

In Nehemiah 4:4, we find three words that are vitally important to remember when we are trying to stand through a storm: “And Nehemiah prayed.” How did he respond to all the attacks that came against him—the laughing, the anger, the rage, the judgment, the criticism, being told his desired goal was impossible? He prayed!

Let me ask you: What would happen if you prayed every single time you felt afraid or intimidated? What if you prayed every time you were offended, or every time someone hurt your feelings? What if you prayed immediately every time some kind of judgment or criticism came against you? Would your life be different? Would you be able to withstand those storms better? Of course you would.

We can learn an important lesson from Nehemiah’s prayer: “Hear, O our God,” he said, “for we are despised. Turn their taunts upon their own heads, and give them for a prey in a land of their captivity.” Notice that Nehemiah didn’t go after his enemies himself; he asked God to deal with them. His attitude was, “I’m doing Your will! You told me to build this wall and I am busy building it. You will have to take care of my enemies!”

Many times, God tells us to do something or gives us an assignment and we begin doing it. But then the enemy comes against us, and when we turn to fight him, we turn away from God. Suddenly, the enemy has all of our attention. We spend our time fighting him instead of praying and asking God to intervene.

Nehemiah knew better than to let his enemies command his focus. He was aware of them, but he kept his eyes on God and the job God called him to do. And he simply prayed and asked God to deal with those who were attacking him.

Trust in Him: What do you need to pray about? When the enemy attacks, don’t take your focus off the task God has placed before you. Pray! And trust God to take care of the enemy.

From the book Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2006 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Your Future Is Bright

If you are going through anything and you probably are just like me, then this little devotional is for us.
Encouragement is golden when the stakes are high and the light in the tunnel is growing dimmer, then the words in this devotional is all that is needed to put one step in front of other and keep keeping on.
There is hope for the weary!
God Bless.

Your Future Is Bright!
by Gloria Copeland
“Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.” Matthew 12:34-35 Your future is stored up in your heart! It’s not dictated by your history or your current circumstances. Your future is determined by you! In the Scripture verses above, Jesus said that what is in your heart is what comes forth. So consider this: Who stored up the evil things that were in the evil man’s heart?
Obviously, the man himself did it. Who stored up the good things in the good man’s heart? Again, the man himself did. In the same way, you’re the only one who can make deposits of God’s Word into your heart. Your spouse can’t do it for you. Your pastor can’t do it for you. Even God can’t do it for you. God has already done His part to help you. He’s the One who made your heart to be a depository for His Word. He’s the One who opened the account for you when you were a spiritual baby. As the Scripture says, “God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith” (Romans 12:3). The moment you were born again, He put the initial measure of faith in your heart—but you’re the only one who can make that measure increase. And you can do that by taking the Word of God and putting it into your heart. Each time you make a deposit of the Word, your faith balance grows, and your future gets brighter. Isn’t that exciting? And there is no limit to the size of deposit you can make into your heart! The more you deposit, the better things are, because that is where you will draw from to change the circumstances in your life.
Your heart holds the faith you’ll need to cover any bill the devil tries to send your way. If he tries to put sickness and disease on you, you can draw from the Word of God about healing and it will give you victory in that area. If you’ve just been released from prison, you can draw from the Word of God about God’s plans for your welfare and have peace that you can make it just fine. Your future really is bright! The Lord says in Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version), “For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Put the Word in your heart. Speak it out in faith, and watch your circumstances change. Speak the Word “Out of the abundance of my heart, my mouth speaks. I bring forth good things out of the treasure of my heart.” —Matthew 12:34-35
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Taking A Blessing Inventory

I love this. It's is so good every once while to take an inventory or where you in life and where you come from.
Over the years, I have learned you never want to remain where you are but the goal in life is to keep moving and pressing forward towards the mark of the prize.
With that being said, the words in this little devotional is meant to encourage and help us move closer and closer to God and His will for our lives.
God Bless.
Taking a Blessing Inventory
So how can you discover your Life Gift?
How do you find the little bit of extra that you have to share? A good place to start is to take inventory. As another old song says, “Count your blessings, name them one by one; count your many blessings, see what God has done!” Like the desperate widow, take a look around your house to see what is already on the shelves. - Check the kitchen and the dining room. Do you like to cook? Is there a spot for someone to enjoy a shared meal at your dining room table? Are there coffee mugs or teacups? Could you share conversation with someone over coffee or tea? - Check the bedrooms. Are they full? Could God be calling you to adoption or foster care? What about the playroom? Are there toys that need to be played with? Games that could be shared at a VBS or a Boys and Girls Club? - Check the closets. Do you see blankets or coats that could be keeping someone warm? Maybe you’ll find a pair of running shoes, some exercise equipment, or a bag of golf clubs. Could you share that activity with a child as a coach or mentor? Is there a relationship that could be built during a morning run or on the back nine of the local golf course? - Check the garage. Do you have reliable transportation that you could share with someone who doesn’t? Do you have crafting supplies or building tools?
How could you use those skills for someone else? Better yet, to whom could you teach those skills? - Check the backyard. Maybe there’s a garden out back. You could share the fruit. You could share the gardening itself. - Check the walls. Maybe there’s artwork you’ve created hanging there or photos you’ve taken. Maybe someone has never had another person take the time to sketch their portrait or photograph for them. - Check your calendar. How do you spend your time? What relationships are you investing in? What activities do you look forward to? What are your hobbies, your pastimes, your entertainments? Is there a way you could invite someone new into your life?
Or a way you could invest more deeply in someone you already cross paths with? You may not see right away what your Life Gift is, and that’s okay. Just have your eyes open. When you approach the world with a readiness to hear from God—an openness to the voice of the Holy Spirit—eventually God will speak to you.
-Author Unknown

Monday, July 17, 2017

Where Is God

I love this little devotional and I need  take the words written within more to heart and if I did then maybe my life wouldn't be like it is today.
For I am learning more and more, I am my own worst enemy and I have allowed things I to my life that has taken me away from the things of God.
My hope and prayer is that by whoever may read this will learn from my mistakes and get the most out of this little devotional and will get the most out of it and will become a shining light for others to see.
God Bless.
"I have set the LORD always before me: because [he is] at my right hand, I will not be moved."(Psalms 16:8)
David declares that he put the Lord in front of him always. Where are you in relation to God? Do you think of Him when you are about to choose an outfit? Or when you choose education, either for yourself or your children? Is He the first person you strive to please with your employment? Because David knew that God was always near to him, he did not worry about being defeated. He was safe as long as the Lord was at the forefront of his life.Turn away from all the things that seek to steal that position that only God should have.
-Author Unknown

Friday, July 14, 2017

So He Returned Home To Father

I am so glad that l have a Father who loves me and no matter what I do He promises to never leave me or forsake me.
I have come to the conclusion, I am my worst enemy. I can blame God for everything that goes wrong in my life but and get for Him to change my circumstances but the fact of the matter is, I am the only one who can change things and God will be waiting for me to get my act together with outstretched arms.
God Bless.
"So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him." (NLT) -Luke 15:20
This son had squandered his father's money and yet, when he returned home to his father, the father welcomed him with joy. Often we want to punish someone who does us wrong when they return to us. Yet if we keep our eye on the importance of a relationship we will do the same as this father and be filled with love and compassion. When someone returns to you for forgiveness, avoid making them feel guilty, but, instead, celebrate their return into your life!
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Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Power Of The Holy Spirit

This is a great little devotional! I love how Joyce uses simple logic to teach about big things. And understanding the subject of Holy Spirit can be complicated if you let it.

And I am all for uncomplicating the issues in the area of the Holy Spirit. He is so misunderstood and no one seems to know what His job is and if He is still relevant for today but this little devotional gives a great insight on just how powerful, and needful to have Him to be in our everyday life.

God Bless.

The Power of the Holy Spirit

by Joyce Meyer

You shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. —Acts 1:8
The Spirit of God gives power to those who want to hear His voice and serve Him. A person may desire to do something and not have the power to do it, but that power can come through receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
You may remember that Jesus was baptized by immersion in water, but He was also baptized in the Holy Spirit. In other words, He was immersed in power, which enabled Him to do the task His Father sent Him to do. Acts 10:38 says, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power,” and that He “went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” (NKJV).
Before Jesus' public ministry began, He was anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are able to hear God’s voice more clearly and we are equipped for service in the Kingdom of God because we are able to draw on the power (ability, efficiency, and might) of the Holy Spirit we received when He came upon us to be His witnesses. This power enables us to do what God wants us to do.
It is important to see that Jesus did not do any miracles or other mighty acts until after He was empowered by the Holy Spirit. If Jesus needed the power of the Spirit, we certainly do, too. Ask Him to fill you with the power of His Spirit today and every day.
God’s word for you today: You have access to power—turn on the light!

From the book Hearing From God Each Morning by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2003 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


For me, adoption has a special meaning. My aunt was adopted and anyone who has been adopted will understand what it means to be grafted in.

I am so thankful and love my aunt very much and I can't even imagine what my life would have looked like if my grandparents wouldn't have taken her in.

And now, being adopted into the family of Jesus, I am more thankful and appreciative of what adoption truly means for me.

No more wondering who I am, where I am going to go, or if I am good enough. I am. I am loved. And I belong to the greatest family on earth and my Father owns everything. 

And you want to know the best part? The still room available at the family table! Join me, won't you?

God Bless.

"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of Sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba," Father."(Romans 8:15

Adoption paints a powerful picture of salvation. God willfully chose us, paid the sum of His own life, and made us joint-heirs with His Son.To seal this for us, God has put His own Spirit in our hearts. With the Holy Spirit, we are free from the entrapment of sin.Whether you have experienced a physical or spiritual adoption, realize the amazing promise that God gives us through the Spirit and His Word. We are no longer slaves but 'sons'.Through the Spirit of Sonship and adoption, embrace a new Father: Abba - God the Father, our Father.

Proverbs 31 Devotional App

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Offer A Sacrifice Of Praise

I have come to learn over the years singing a song isn't necessarily a great way of offering a sacrifice of praise.
We sing because of His goodness.
The sacrifice that moves mountains and the heart of God comes from out of a deep hurt, a deep gratitude of who He is and what He's done, and just a love for the creator of the universe for just being who He is.
A mountain moving sacrifice cost nothing to give yet cost us everything we hold on to, such as pride, haughtiness, our thinking we don't need God, or the life ruin tongue.
A sacrifice of praise can be beautiful and rewarding and I for one want all the benefits that are stored up for me.
God Bless.
Offer a Sacrifice of Praise
by Joyce Meyer -
Through Him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name. —Hebrews 13:15
The Bible teaches that you must acknowledge and glorify God and offer up a sacrifice of praise regardless of what you may be going through. Perhaps you have been experiencing a time of trouble in your life, and you have been praying and trusting God to meet the need…but nothing has changed.
While you are waiting for the answer is a perfect time to offer a sacrifice of praise. It is easy to praise God when everything is going well, but when you acknowledge and glorify Him in the midst of a troubling situation, that is a sacrifice—and it does not go unnoticed. So offer a sacrifice of praise as you spend time with God at the end of your day.
From the book Ending Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Hunger And Thirst

I love this little devotional. I love how the words give me life, hope, and the determination to keep going.

If you asked anyone who is close to me what I want more out of life, they would tell you I want more of God; I want to see His power in full bloom; I want to see His justice overcome the wrong of this world; but most of all, I want, no, I need to have Him lviing in me so much everyone I pass by would want to stop me and ask what the difference is between my life and theirs and watch as the Savior of this world flows into their life making them new. 

I don't want to be an evangelist who calls down fire and brimstone, I want the fire of God to flow out from me where lives are transformed and healed and death and hell have been overcome and earth becomes like heaven as it should have been.

God Bless.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." (Luke 6:35)
Have you ever had a craving for something, to the point that it almost caused you pain because you wanted it so badly? No matter what you tried to satisfy the craving, nothing else sufficed?God wants us to desire righteousness in this manner. We should be obsessed with doing the right thing for the sake of pleasing God. Nothing in the world should pacify the intensity of this craving. Has your desire for God ever slipped? Stimulate your desire for Him again with praise for His goodness during times of personal worship in His Word. He will fill you He will fill your hunger and thirst.

God Hunger Meditations Devotional

Friday, July 7, 2017

Just Keep The Line Open

Do you remember the song 'Call Me by Blondie?
You know the me, call me
call me call me,
call me any, anytime,
Call me.
This is exactly what Jesus is offering to each and open line to Him any time, anywhere, and for anything and
I am so grateful.
God Bless.
Just Keep the Line Open
by Gloria Copeland
“Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?” Galatians 3:3
Wouldn’t life be wonderfully simple if there were only one thing that truly mattered? Wouldn’t it be great if only one factor determined your success? All the confusion and complexity that clutters your life would suddenly disappear. Instead of constantly juggling priorities, you’d always know what to put first. Well, here’s a bit of news that may surprise you. There is, in fact, only one real key to victory in life. That’s right. Just one. A living connection with God. In years past, I used to say, “If you’re not walking in victory, check your love walk.”
Or sometimes I’d tell people, “If you’re not getting your prayers answered, make sure you aren’t harboring any unforgiveness...make sure your flesh is under control...make sure you’re flowing in the joy of the Lord.” I had learned that by checking those spiritual gauges, you could track down the causes for failure. But even though such gauges are very helpful, after more than 40 years of living by faith, I’ve come to realize that ultimately our success stems solely from our vital, continual contact with God. That one factor governs all others. If you’re in contact with the Lord, those other qualities will flow naturally from your heart. If you maintain a living connection with God, you will walk in love and joy. You will walk in forgiveness. You will keep your flesh in subjection to your spirit. So what exactly is a living connection with God? It simply means keeping the lines of communication open between the two of you. It means going about your daily activities in such a way that you’re always available to hear from heaven. Just think, the real key to consistent victory is just one thing! You don’t have to memorize a list of dos and don’ts. All you have to do is keep that flow of continual living contact with God. He’s continually speaking words to our hearts by the Holy Spirit who lives within us. Keep your ear tuned to His frequency. Keep your heart lined up with His Word. Just keep the line open! Speak the Word “Having begun in the Spirit, I stay in the Spirit and I am made perfect.” —Galatians 3:3
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

O Lord, Hear Me As I Pray

This is my life! I love the words in this little devotional and it's worth sharing.
For all of us who want to be heard, there is hope in a loving God who cares about what is going on in our lives and never lets a prayer hit the ground, we just need to believe and draw closer to His loving arms.
God Bless.
O LORD, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning. (NLT) -Psalm 5:1
Do you ever struggle with feeling like you aren't heard by others or worse misunderstood? It's never a good feeling when a trusted friend fails to listen or hear you. Rather than getting upset and mad at them recognize their limitations. Accept them for who they are and don't try to change them. Turn to God to be heard and understood. He is always waiting for you to turn your heart to Him. Have your needs met by God.
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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

God Loves You Because He Wants To

Oh how He loves you and me.
He gave His life.
What more can He give.
Oh, how Be loves you and me.
I love this song! And oh how true these words are we just only need to believe so we can live a life of victory and purpose.
Just remember there isn't anything we can do to earn His love. He is love. His love conquers all and it is ours for the taking. Just remember to pay it forward for there is someone who deserves to experience His love too.
God Bless.
God Loves You Because He Wants To!
by Kenneth Copeland
“The Lord shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.” Deuteronomy 28:7 Do you know what the Ten Commandments mean? To the Western mind, they mean “Don’t you dare steal, or kill, or covet.” But to a covenant-minded person who understands God’s hesed, they mean something entirely different. Hesed is a covenant word. It means “God’s mercy, kindness, tender mercies, His lovingkindness and fidelity.”
It’s His unconditional love for you. To the covenant man, God is saying in the Ten Commandments, Listen, son, there isn’t any need for you to covet that fellow’s wife. I have one prepared just for you. There’s no need for you to murder anyone. Bring the problem to Me. I’ll repay. You have a covenant with Me. There’s no need for you to become a thief. I’ll meet your needs according to My riches in glory. All you need to do is live in love and faith. I’ll take care of the rest. If you’ll develop the kind of heart and mind that thinks and acts like this, it will make you fearless. Love...mercy...hesed casts out fear. (See 1 John 4:18.) I can just hear your mind working.
Oh, Brother Copeland, that sounds great. But I’ve done some rotten things since I’ve been a Christian. I’ve messed up my part of the covenant pretty bad. No, you haven’t. You can’t mess up this covenant because it’s not between you and God. It’s between God and Jesus. You can’t break it. You can get out of fellowship with it, turn your back on it and refuse to receive its benefits. It will always still be there when you repent. “Yeah, but I just don’t understand how God could still love me after all I’ve done.” Listen, the agape-hesed of God isn’t affected by what you do or don’t do. It is an unconditional act of His will. God loves you because He wants to love you. He loves you because you and He are connected by the pure covenant blood of Jesus—and there’s nothing you can do to change that. That’s what agape-hesed is! So don’t let the devil deceive you one more moment. You are worthy to receive God’s unconditional love. The blood of Jesus has provided you this love. Receive it. It’s yours. Remember: He loves you because He wants to! Speak the Word “The blood of Jesus makes me worthy to receive God’s unconditional love. I will receive and walk in that love today.” —1 John 4:16-21
Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7! Also, visit to receive a free gift from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

I The Good Shepherd

I love this little devotional, especially today..
As we celebrate the country's freedom, we should also rejoice in the freedom of Christ's sacrifice for us.
We must learn and live our lifes knowing who we are and then live in His sacrifice. Jesus loves us and knows everything about us. Let us not forget who we should run to, rely on, and who became the Lamb of the world.
God Bless.

"I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me," (NLT) -John 10:14
These words came straight from Jesus' mouth. If you ever wonder whether Jesus cares for you or loves you, this is your verse. He knows you so well, even the cry of your heart. He is a good shepherd who has sacrificed Himself for you. If you are wondering where God is in your life or if He cares for you, this is your message. These are His words speaking directly to you.
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Monday, July 3, 2017

I Thirst For God

We thirst for You, we search for You
In a dry and barren land we're longing for Your hand
To guide us to a place where You can cleanse us with Your rain
Baptize us once again we thirst for You
We thirst for You, we search for You
In a dry and barren land we're longing for Your hand
To guide us to a place where You can cleanse us with Your rain
Baptize us once again we thirst for You
Read more: CeCe Winans - Thirst For You Lyrics | MetroLyrics 
I absolutely love this song and I can honestly say, this is my hearts desire.
Not only am I encouraged by the song but I am so encouraged by this little devotional.
My hearts desire is that everyone would become thirsty for the one and only person who can satisfy our souls.
God Bless.
I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him? (NLT) -Psalm 42:2
Are you thirsting for God right now? Thirsting for water is a slow, small feeling that takes root in your tongue that grows until you cannot stand it anymore. In thirsting for God, your days are not quite right and you are wandering aimlessly until you just cannot go further without connecting with God. Quench your thirst and spend some time with God. Read His Words, listen to Him in prayer, or just be still. He is there waiting for you.
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