Tuesday, July 4, 2017

I The Good Shepherd

I love this little devotional, especially today..
As we celebrate the country's freedom, we should also rejoice in the freedom of Christ's sacrifice for us.
We must learn and live our lifes knowing who we are and then live in His sacrifice. Jesus loves us and knows everything about us. Let us not forget who we should run to, rely on, and who became the Lamb of the world.
God Bless.

"I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me," (NLT) -John 10:14
These words came straight from Jesus' mouth. If you ever wonder whether Jesus cares for you or loves you, this is your verse. He knows you so well, even the cry of your heart. He is a good shepherd who has sacrificed Himself for you. If you are wondering where God is in your life or if He cares for you, this is your message. These are His words speaking directly to you.
Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://bit.ly/16uZrQ5

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