Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A Wasteful Seed Story

I know nothing about having a garden even though I have tried to have one every year for 16 years.
My garden always seem to get over run by weeds and I end up wasting all the seeds I planted.
And every year I swear I am not going to plant one waste my time but yet, when the time comes, I think maybe this will be the year I get my act together. And I lose the fight.
So is the problem me? Or is it something else going on? Maybe it is just time to change my perspective and look at it through different eyes.
So when I ran across this little devotional, I got excited and began to think, seeing my garden and things of God through the Father's eyes just might produce great things and who wouldn't agree that would be a good thing.
God Bless.

A Wasteful Seed Story
Scripture Reading: Luke 8:4-15 A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds ate it up. - Luke 8:5
Imagine the setting: Jesus has been preaching in many towns and villages. On this particular day, a large crowd gathers from town after town. Jesus stops, looks at the crowd, and tells the story of a farmer who scatters seed that lands on the footpath, on rocky soil, among thorns, and also on good, fertile soil. A lot of seed was wasted as the farmer spread it wide. But Jesus was not trying to teach people good planting practices. He was asking everyone to consider this story from the Father’s point of view. It’s likely that very few of his listeners caught Jesus’ point in this parable. Even his disciples had to ask him what the story really meant. Here’s the scoop. Jesus himself is the sower as he spreads the word of God in all kinds of people’s minds and hearts. Some pay attention and hear, and others don’t.
Jesus ends the story by urging people to pay attention to his words so that the Word of God can root and grow in them. That’s how the kingdom of God comes, under the conditions of God’s patient mercy through his Son. Are you someone whose heart is fertile soil to hear God’s Word? And are you spreading that seed widely and wildly to others? Prayer: Dear Jesus, test the soil of my heart today. Thank you for wastefully spreading your good Word in my life. Make my heart ready to receive the gift of your life-giving Word, that it may grow and produce a crop to share with others. Amen.
Reginald Smith https://today.reframemedia.com/devotionals/a-wasteful-seed-story#noredirect

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