Thursday, February 22, 2018

Love = Obedience

Obedience = Love or is it the other way around? This little devotional gives some insight on how it should be and way.
The only question remainging is what is stopping you from being obedient if you say you love the Lord thy God.
It is something to ponder and then take action for you know how the saying goes action speak louder than words.
God Bless.
Love = Obedience
"If ye love me, keep my commandments." - (John 14:15)
John speaks of Jesus being the Way, the Truth and the Life. Our love for God is linked directly to our obedience to Him. Obedience can be difficult at times, but becomes easier to accomplish when we focus on His love and plans for us. Our love for God is shown primarily by obeying His word, hence love equals obedience. When we focus on His love, mercy and grace that He extends to us, it propels us to respond to what He asks. Because you love someone you do what they ask of you, not always immediately and with a good attitude, but you do. So too, if we love God, that love equals our obedience to Him.
Proverbs 31 Devotional

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