Thursday, February 15, 2018

Hook Up To The Power

I believe that the word's written in this little devotional are very true. We are a critical time period and we must understand what God is trying to do and say like never before.
And I believe the Holy Spirit will play a much more powerful rule in the day's to come. We are going to have to be so plugged in to know when to turn to something or when to run away from something everyone else is running to.
Everyone and everything will have some part to play in the coming day's and I want to play my part to the best of my ability and be on the winning side because the rewards will be amazing.
God Bless.
Hook Up to the Power
by Kenneth Copeland
“Be it unto me according to thy word.” Luke 1:38 If you spend much time with the Lord, what I’m about to say is no surprise to you. You’ve already sensed it in your spirit. We are at the end time.
There is a greater urgency in the spirit now than ever before. It’s much like a woman who is about to give birth. That’s what’s happening in the realm of the spirit right now. A new millennium is about to be born. Everyone is having to move fast. All of us have a role to play—and this is no false alarm. Every one of us needs to get in position and do what God has called us to do. Yet everyone seems to have some kind of excuse that would keep them from doing what God called them to, but it’s not time for excuses! It’s time for us to say what Mary said when the angel came in and told her she would have a baby supernaturally by the power of God. She said, “Be it unto me according to thy word.” Glory to God, what faith! Mary didn’t know how the process would work. It was beyond anything she had ever heard. But she just said, “Yes, Lord. Let’s get on with the program!” Do you know what happened when Mary released that faith in response to the Word of God? It hooked her up with the realm of the supernatural. It connected her to the Anointing of Almighty God where “nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37). That is an unchangeable truth. A person without faith in action is bound to the realm of the natural, material and intellectual world of what is possible. But a person whose faith is in action hooks into Holy Ghost power—or what I like to call “the muscle” of God—and impossible things happen in his life.
That’s how Jesus did all those impossible things when He was on earth. He fulfilled His calling the same way you and I have to do it—by using His faith to hook into supernatural power. Remember this: It doesn’t matter how impossible something may be, when you’re hooked by faith to the supernatural, you’re hooked up to God and all things are possible to Him! “Jesus said..., If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23). Speak the Word “I am a believer and all things are possible to me!” —Mark 9:23
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