Wednesday, February 14, 2018

No Greater Love

As we celebrate or don't celebrate Valentine's Day, dending on your situation, we still should share the love.
Loving other's is such an important gift we could give to one anther no matter what your going through.
As this little devotional states, no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend. Have you made a new friend today?
Have you choosen to look past the outside, the difficult attitudes, or that one thing that annoys you and look at the hurting person who stands before you?
Have we dare to ask because we think they have it all together and make us feel like there is something wrong with us?
Let us once be led by the Spirit and not but our thoughts of self-conscious and dare to love.
God Bless.
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." - (John 15:13)
John is a book written about what Jesus did and said. This particular passage speaks about Christ the true vine. Jamie feels and looks like the odd one out among the women. She is not pretty or rich like the others she is the new girl on the block. You walk over to her because you know what it feels like, you've been there. You authentically live out your faith by the little things you do for her, no acts of heroism really. That's how you demonstrate to her no greater love, you put her needs above your own Christ-like acts, so that she may experience the love of Christ.
-Author Unknown

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