Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Walk In Love

This little devotional is soooooo good, I'm just going to leave it right here.

Be Blessed and allow God to Bless your life in a bigger and better way!

Walk in Love

by Joyce Meyer

And walk in love, [esteeming and delighting in one another] as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to God [for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance. —Ephesians 5:2
Jesus said, “If anyone intends to come after Me, let him deny himself [forget, ignore, disown, and lose sight of himself and his own interests] and take up his cross, and [joining Me as a disciple and siding with My party] follow with Me [continually, cleaving steadfastly to Me] (Mark 8:34, emphasis mine).
Living a disciplined life means laying aside personal feelings, deciphering which choice is most important in God’s eyes, and then allowing that choice to take preeminence over the others. As Jesus laid down His life for you, He is asking you to lay down your interests for His greater cause.

From the book Starting Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2011 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Monday, July 30, 2018

A Simple Hello

Maybe it's time we renewed the proper way of saying hello.
I often wonder when and how people became so rude to others. Something major had to take to take place in their lives to end up with a scow on their faces.
They sure dont come into this world looking looking all mean and tough-like.
It's time to start a new trend and it's simple really just let you light shine by turning that frown upside down!
God Bless.
"If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?" (Matthew 5:47)
God's intension was for salvation to change everything about us, even our social graces. In this verse, we are asked to explore how Godly we are by being exclusive in whom we choose to greet and whom we ignore and pass by. Why is this a big deal? It is because every individual is made in the image of God. Just as God does not favor any one person over another, He does not want us to develop cliques and thereby exclude people. Instead of building cliques, build moments of compassion with people and this could make a lasting impact on their perception of God.
-Psalm 31 App

Friday, July 27, 2018

Treating One Another Right

In the day's off offense and what not, we have somehow lost the art of treating people right. 

And this little devotional attacks the subject matter head on and in no certain terms lay's it out on what would Jesus do concerning His children.

There is a way to show people their wrong doings without making people feel like they are worthless. Personally, I think we are failing to treat people foe who they are, a child of God. 

We can do better. I have faith in His church to make things great again.

God Bless.

Treating One Another Right
I am a member of the body of Christ.
The world is full of all kinds of people. Just looking at someone’s exterior, you might say, “I don’t see much to get excited about.” You could look in the mirror and perhaps say the same thing about yourself. But we need to look below the surface and see our brothers and sisters as members of the body of Christ—people for whom Jesus shed His blood and died.
If we fail to appreciate and honor other people, we are grieving the heart of the Lord, because the Lord loves everyone enough to die for them. It grieves the Lord bitterly if we have a wrong attitude toward a member of His body, if we look down on others and discount their value.
I believe that was the problem of the people of Corinth, whom Paul addressed in two epistles. There were many wrong relationships between them. They did not discern the Lord’s body in one another (see 1 Corinthians 11:29), and Paul said, “For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep [have died](verse 30). I suppose this reason could well be the major cause of sickness among Christians today. I have to say, with deep regret, that many Christians do not treat one another at all like fellow members of Christ’s body.
Thank You, Jesus, for making me a part of Your body. I proclaim that I will, by Your grace, honor other members, seeing them as individuals for whom Jesus died, for I am a member of the body of Christ. Amen. 

Derek Prince Ministries 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Don't Let Evil Conquer You

Oh, Lord! How I needed thus little devotional. Maybe some day, I my heart and mind will get on the same page. Lord knows my life is in need of getting my act together because I have my family,  my neighbors, my town, my county, my state, and my country depending on me sharing the hope that is within me.
God Bless.
Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good. (NLT) -Romans 12:21
How can evil conquer us? It begins in our mind. Anger has a way of stewing inside and then it finally erupts. Quick judgements of others begins as a seed in our thoughts that grows into distaste for another. Envy and jealousy begin in the mind as well. This passage tells us the key to overcoming evil is by doing good. Doing good comes from a thought but are acted on. If you feel your thoughts beginning to be critical, angry, or envious, stop them by responding with a loving action. You can conquer everything with good.
Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://www.jctrois.com/dailybibledevotion/

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Prayer Of Faithfulness

I love this devotional and it's explanation of prayer and the subtle encouragement it offers to get your prayer life back on track or even why to have one.
If there is something I know I need in my life at any given time or situation, it is faithfulness. Faithfulness in the goodness of God and the knowledge He will never leave me nor forsake me. Life changing, let me tell you.
God Bless.

The Prayer of Faithfulness Scripture:
Daniel 9:1-19
The Old Testament prophet Daniel became an advisor to kings because of who he was in secret on his knees before God. Daniel was born in the land of Judah during a time when much of the nation had fallen away from God. He was a teenager when God permitted the forces of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon to lay siege to Jerusalem.  Along with much of the population of Jerusalem, Daniel and his friends were shackled and led away in chains to Babylon, where they became servants in the royal court of Nebuchadnezzar. Exiled to a foreign land, Daniel stood his moral and spiritual ground, as we see in the story of Daniel being willing to die in the lion’s den rather than stop praying. Whenever you see a person standing firm for God, you’ll find that they first bent the knee to God in prayer. When God’s people refuse to compromise their faith, when God’s people persistently, consistently, and obstinately go to their knees in prayer, big things happen. Future history changes. Everything that was notable about Daniel flowed from his daily time with God. People who spend time with God every day can’t help but be changed.  We see this in Daniel’s remarkable prayer in Daniel 9, when the Jewish people had been in exile in Babylon for nearly seventy years. Daniel pleads with God through confession, intercession, and petition. When you pray, remember Daniel’s prayer. Remember that the same God who answered Daniel’s prayers has promised to answer your prayers. Remember that the same God who foretold the outline of future history to Jeremiah and Daniel is in control of your future as well. You can trust Him with your future because He is the One who announced the return of His people to Israel after seventy years of exile, then moved the king of Persia to send them home—precisely on schedule.

And He is the One who announced the coming of the Messiah, then sent Him into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday—precisely on schedule.  History never catches God by surprise. When we pray, we become partners in the fulfillment of His eternal plan. So pray like Daniel, rely on God’s promises, and prepare to be amazed.  Consider a situation in your life in light of Daniel’s prayer in Daniel 9. How could you pray with Daniel’s pattern of confession, intercession, and petition about that situation?
Life Changing Prayers Devotional
Michael Yossoff

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

For As He Thinks In His Heart

I seem to have a theme going here and it has to do with the mind. Indeed, the mind is the battle field.
And God knows it and when He sense me going over the cliff, He allows me the opportunity to come by litle devotional like this one.
Be encouraged and never give up the fight for the mind.
God Bless.

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” Proverbs 23:7, NKJV
It doesn’t matter what people think about you. All that matters is what you think about yourself. What God has said about you doesn’t benefit you at all until you agree. What God thinks about you doesn’t benefit you at all until you choose to see. Remove your hands from your eyes, and see how great, see how beautiful, see how lovely He has made you. Stop waiting for people to change their mind about you before you do what God has called you to do. Stop waiting for people to change their mind about you before you choose to believe. Move forward in God and let nothing stop you from fulfilling your purpose and reaching your destiny. Let nothing hinder you. The only power people’s thoughts about you have over your life is the power you give it. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, strip off every hold you’ve allowed others to have on you.
Say out loud from your heart, “No more will I allow what others think of me to hinder me. I choose to agree with God’s WORD. I choose to remove my hands from my eyes so I can see myself the way God sees me. What people think about me has no power. I strip it of all power I’ve given it in Jesus name. As I think in my heart, so am I. I am chosen by God and I will do great things. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and God loves me unconditionally.
I will let His truth prophesy over me and be the biggest and loudest voice in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
-Author Unknown 

Monday, July 23, 2018

Jesus Our Example

Jesus, the only Man we need to follow. 

Jesus, the only Man we need to please.

Jesus, the only man who showed us the way the truth and the life to abundance.

Jesus, our example for every day living no if's or but's about it.

Jesus, the only thing this world needs so share Him with your family and friends, and neighbors, in fact, share Him with everyone you meet today. There is enough of Him to go around without a doubt. In fact, He will love you forever and ever for it.

God Bless.

Jesus Our Example

Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously
- 1 Peter 2:23

When someone cuts you off in traffic, how do you respond? Do you yell harshly, gesture angrily, or perhaps even drive vengefully? This is not the way Jesus responded when he was crossed.

When he was wronged by others -- even purposefully and spitefully -- he did not scream or threaten or fume. When he was mocked and scourged and falsely accused before Pilate, he never retaliated with hateful words.

Can you honestly say that anyone has harmed you more than Jesus was abused before his death? Perhaps you feel betrayed by a close friend. So was he. Or maybe others have spread rumors about you. They did the same, and worse, to him. Perhaps you have even suffered physically, mentally, or emotionally at the hands of cruel people. So did he.

How was Jesus able to respond so graciously in the face of such horrible and unfair treatment? Peter gives us the secret: he committed himself to God, who judges righteously.

Jesus had complete faith in the justice of God. Do you? Can you trust God to right the wrongs that have been done to you, to punish those who have wronged you? To the extent that you nurse a personal vendetta, you can rest assured that you have not yet grasped, or embraced, the justice and wisdom of God.


Friday, July 20, 2018

I Am The Good Shepherd

Is Jesus your good shepherd? If not may I ask you to consider little devotional and a challenge to dig a little deeper in the life of Jesus before you cast Him aside. I assure you, He will be worth it.
And if your a seasoned Christian like me, may I challenge you to joun me in digging deeper to make Him THE Shepard that even a passing stranger calls put and asked where our hope comes from.
God Bless.
"I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me," (NLT) -John 10:14
These words came straight from Jesus' mouth. If you ever wonder whether Jesus cares for you or loves you, this is your verse. He knows you so well, even the cry of your heart. He is a good shepherd who has sacrificed Himself for you. If you are wondering where God is in your life or if He cares for you, this is your message. These are His words speaking directly to you.
Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://www.jctrois.com/dailybibledevotion/

Thursday, July 19, 2018

True Love

If you have not read Killing Kryptonite by John Bevere, then I encourage you to do so.
If everyone would take the word's to heart and begin to live by them, then I believe the world could be changed in a matter of days.
I think we have a whorp sense of what love is. Love isn't agreeing with everything and everyone its about giving people something to convict them to move them into a better place in their lives.
But what do I know except that everyone should read not only this little devotional but also the book!
God Bless.

The call for repentance needed in and from the church today is actually a call for what we need most: true love. The lack of true love in the church is filling our services, ministries, and homes with two extremes—tolerance and legalism. The deception of tolerance is that it can look so much like love. We use the Bible to define love as patient, kind, never proud, not rude, not demanding its own way, along with other attributes found in 1 Corinthians 13.
However, the love of the world can also have many of these characteristics.  What separates Christian love from worldly love is that Christian love obeys God’s commands. “By this we know,” writes the apostle of love, “that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments” (1 John 5:2).
This means, if I’m patient, not rude, not jealous, and not boastful, but am cheating on my wife or if I condone sexual immorality, I am not walking in the love of God.  True love is marked by both truth and love. Truth apart from love directs us down the road of the letter of the law, that which kills—legalism. And, sadly, people react to legalism by swinging the pendulum to the other extreme, avoiding correction and scriptural warnings, which are crucial to the health and building of the church.  Let’s be candid—we view calling men and women to repentance as a lack of compassion, tenderness, kindness, and love. Yet consider this: If I see a blind man heading straight for a cliff that will cause him to fall to certain death, love demands that I call him to change course! In our society, and with many in the church, such genuine love that calls for repentance is perceived as bigoted and hateful. This stronghold has emerged because many are only considering their life on earth, and not eternity. 
When we remember that this life is less than a blink in light of eternity, we live differently. We must view life in an eternal context to comprehend true love.  This is the love the church needs now—eternal love, true love—love that will confront sin and call for repentance, yet also a love that is patient, kind, and gentle.
Did you enjoy this reading plan? I encourage you to go deeper by checking out my book Killing Kryptonite.  

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Jesus Weeps With You

Do you believe this? Do we really believe Jesus cry's when we cry? This little devotional is a beautiful tribute to Jesus' tears.
Our tears matter to Him so it's okay to cry and let loose sometimes because you got a friend who will cry along with you.
God Bless.

Jesus Weeps with You
In all their affliction He was afflicted; . . . in His love and in His pity He redeemed them. - Isaiah 63:9, NKJV
When was the last time you wept into your pillow at night, thinking no one cared? Is the pain so deep and your hurt so great that you cry night after night? In your misery and loneliness, do you think Jesus is emotionally detached? That He just doesn’t care? Or that He’s simply too busy to notice? Or that He is somewhat callous since He sees a lot of pain that’s worse than yours? Or that He couldn’t possibly understand how you feel? Or that He’s not concerned enough to meet your needs? Did you know that Jesus weeps with you? Did you know He puts all your tears in a bottle because they are precious to Him? (Ps. 56:8, NKJV)
He has said in all of your afflictions, He Himself is afflicted. Why? Because He understands! And He loves you! Your suffering is His. Your grief is His. Your tears are on His face!
From Why?
Ann Graham Shultz

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

We Are The Minstry

Whether we like it or not, we are the ministry called to make sure everyone we know and those we don't that Jesus is King of King's and Lord of Lord's and His way is the only way.
If you don't agree and say it's the pastor's job or someone else's then I encourage you to read this little devotional and dig a little deeper into the Word.
Maybe this is the answer we've been looking for to change the world, and maybe we haven't truly understood why we are here on this earth in the first place.
All I know is we have to get it together because the world's light is starting to shine brighter than our own. The world needs a hope, let us give it to them by being the voice of the King.
God Bless.

“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus.” (Acts 20:24)
According to the New Testament, “ministry” is what all Christians do. Pastors have the job of equipping the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11–12).
But ordinary Christians are the ones who do the ministry. What ministry looks like is as varied as Christians are varied. It’s not an office like elder or deacon; it’s a lifestyle devoted to making much of Christ. It means that we “do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10).

Whether we are bankers or bricklayers, it means that we aim at advancing other people’s faith and holiness. Fulfilling your ministry is more important than staying alive. This conviction is what makes the lives of radically devoted people so inspiring to watch. Most of them speak the way Paul did about his ministry here in Acts 20. Doing the ministry that God gives us to do is more important than life. You may think you need to save your life in order to do your ministry. On the contrary, how you lose your life may be the capstone of your ministry. It certainly was for Jesus, only in his thirties. We need not fret about keeping ourselves alive in order to finish our ministry. God alone knows the appointed time of our service. Henry Martyn was right when he said, “If [God] has work for me to do, I cannot die.” In other words, I am immortal until my work is done. Therefore, ministry is more important than life.
- Author Unknown

Monday, July 16, 2018


Do you strive for approval like I do? If not, I think your lying to yourself.
I think we all want approval from every area of our lives and we would be willing to do almost anything to get it.
But I think, and don't hold me to this is approval isn't a bad thing. The problem is we seek man's approval instead of God's.
When we have the right approval rating, we are unstoppable. May we start a new trend by stepping away from man's way of thinking and get synched up to the only one that matters.
God Bless.

Approval:  the belief that something or someone is good or acceptable a good opinion of someone or something
PRAYER Today, Lord God, I desire your approval. May my heart be open to you; and my thoughts be pleasing to you. “Do whatever needs to be done” in me. I pray today that the church in my country would be receptive to you, ready to hear and obey your word, so that we might be stamped with your approval. May we never forget that you are the one who accomplishes the work of approval in our hearts; may we stand apart in our country as a people who are not striving for acceptance but filled with your un-ceasing to love. 
Author Unknown

Friday, July 13, 2018

Expect A Miracle Every Day

Let's end the week like we started and learning a little more on expecting from God.
Please go to the link and read the whole devotional and together, we can begin our weekend and move on to our lives living a life of expectation with a little bit of healing on the side.
God Bless.
Expect a Miracle Everyday
“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 God arrested my heart one day. “He said, why do you pray with no real expectation of Me? You don’t believe […]

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Light Of The World

Light. We can't live without it. It is very powerful and has so many uses and there doesn't seem to be an end to what we could do with it.
And we need to follow its example. We are suppose to be making people jealous of what we have and what we can do but unfortunately, we've missed the mark but thank God, we still have time to get it right and to go brighten the world with the love of Jesus.
God Bless.
The Light of the World
The light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. - John 3:19, NKJV
Jesus Christ is the true Light that gives light to every man and woman. There is no other light! Other religions and peoples may have some truth, but only Jesus Christ is the truth for everyone who has ever been born into the human race, regardless of culture, age, nationality, generation, heritage, gender, color, or language. There is not a Light for America and a Light for Africa and a Light for China and a Light for Europe and a Light for India – there is only one Light for the entire world for all time, for every person, and His name is Jesus. That’s why John bore witness to the Light. That’s why you and I share our faith, present the Gospel, and refuse to be intimidated by a multicultural, pluralistic world.
From Just Give Me Jesus

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Faith Can Move Mountains

I am going to be completely honest here, I really thought my faith could move an actual mountain! Naive I know. That umis why I acknowledge I need to grow in Christ more and more.
And when I ran across this little devotional, I now have a better understanding of what Jesus was saying about moving mountains.
And I will be forever grateful that I now have that knowledge and can make fun of myself for my naivety.
So, wouldn't you join me in not only getting a good laugh out of it but also in absorbing the wealth of this little devotional.
God Bless.

Scripture Reading: Luke 5:17-26 When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” - Luke 5:20
Perhaps you have heard the phrase “Faith can move mountains.” Jesus actually talks about faith that strong later in his ministry (see Mark 11:22-25). I’ve always marveled at that phrase. I’ve spent considerable time in the mountains. I’ve lived near the Rockies, the Sierra Nevadas, and the Cascades in the western United States. Mountains are huge. They are ancient geological barriers that can weather any storm. They are solid and enduring, strong and unyielding. But faith in Jesus is even stronger and bigger. The faith of the friends in this passage is strong enough to tear apart a roof to bring their paralyzed friend to Jesus, because they know he can heal their friend. Jesus is so moved by their faith that he does what they want him to do—and he doesn’t even criticize them for damaging the roof!
The amazing thing is that Jesus does even more than they have hoped. He forgives the man’s sins as well as healing him from paralysis. In this way the friends’ faith becomes an example to everyone there who has come to see Jesus. Faith can move people to do incredible things. And in response, Jesus can make huge impacts in this world. He can heal and forgive. He can change the heart of an individual or the hearts an entire group of people. This is all because of his ability to see faith in anyone who comes to him, whether they walk or are carried by their friends. Prayer: Jesus, build faith inside us so we can see how you call us to act, trusting in you to make amazing changes for good in this world. Amen.
Bret Lamsma

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Let Us Offer Through Jesus A Continual Sacrifice

This little devotional tell's it like it is and how we should be living.
It only takes a minute to complain and also a minute to praise but one of these has a lifetime of benefits that can bring happiness to the soul.
God Bless.

Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. (NLT) -Hebrews 13:15
When we pray to God, most of the time we gloss over praising God. Instead, we cut to the chase and just ask God to bless us, our children, and heal our neighbors. Yet we serve a powerful God. One who deserves to be recognized and admired for His love, power, and grace. Let's spend a few moments talking to God by sharing our love and honor for Him. Isn't He glorious?
Download this app to get your daily devotions: http://www.jctrois.com/dailybibledevotion/

Monday, July 9, 2018

Quote Of The Day - Put Your Expectations

Let's start out the week with encouragement! Who doesn't need more of it? I certainly do!
And I also need to do more expecting from God instead of just living day to day going through the motions and hoping I get through the day on the right side.
So, let's get our encouragement on and start expecting great thing's from God!
God Bless.

Quote of the Day
-Joyce Meyer
“Put your expectations on God, not on people.”  – Joyce Meyer

Friday, July 6, 2018

Move Out Of The Way And Let God Do It

No truer words than these ones.
If you have a problem (which I am sure you do or will have), are you like me and feel out of control and want God to do something and by something, I mean your way.
It's hard to let go but we must if we want a deeper relationship with God.
And I bet you do, so let's do this by letting go and let God.
God Bless.
Move out of the way and let God do it!
“But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.” Psalm 3:3
One of the hardest things to do is to step aside and let God handle a situation. You may have been wronged, falsely accused, and mistreated, but as angry as you may feel you have […]

Thursday, July 5, 2018


Repentance is what it is all about folks! And no one can explains it better than John Bevere and since it's a holday week, I'm keeping them short so enjoy this little devotional!
God Bless.
How did a knockoff Yahweh evolve in Israel, and how does a knockoff Jesus evolve in the church today? Both are the result of a hardened heart from the absence of true repentance. Now, don’t get nervous. I know repentance has been preached in a way that produces bondage, but that isn’t biblical repentance. The truth is we need repentance, because without it we can’t experience the life God has for us.  If we look at what the Bible says, we find that nearly every voice of the New Testament clearly and specifically says repentance is a necessary part of our life in Christ.
The list of people who directly say this includes Peter, Paul, John, James, other disciples, Jesus Himself, and even God the Father. It is a major and unmistakably clear truth. What this means is there can be no true faith in Jesus Christ without repentance from known sin. And what is sin? Sin is the antithesis of God’s best for us. This means we cannot turn to Christ if we refuse to walk away from things like sexual immorality, gossip, and unforgiveness.   How can you say you’re a Christian and willfully hang on to these things? The fact is, there are over five hundred behavioral commands in the New Testament. God gives us these commands because He will never tolerate what can destroy you—He loves you too much.  But if we hold on to the sins Christ died to deliver us from, we have created a knockoff Jesus, and our faith is only imagined.  Biblical repentance is the ultimate act of humility, opening our lives to the wonder of God’s grace. In fact, God promises to give us grace when we humble ourselves (James 4, 1 Peter 5).
That is why repentance is so important . . . we cannot be ashamed of it. Seekers and professing believers alike must know this. It is essential to our faith and salvation! Repentance means changing our mind so deeply that it changes our personality from the core of our being. When we turn to Christ, He makes us brand new, giving us the grace to live like Him.  This is biblical repentance—it is the process of being recreated in Christ, reflecting God’s nature and goodness to our world. Is there any greater invitation?
John Bevere
Killing Keytonight

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

A legacy Of Faith

Happy 4th! Enjoy the legacy!
And God Bless.
"Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand." (Matthew 12:25)
If you live in the USA, you are celebrating a great victory today: freedom. Freedom in 1776, meant having no will in the place of Godly restraint, but today it means having no restraint in the way of my will. America was established by men and women who believed that God's Word is the guide for living. Those who sought to live by God's Word alone were killed in heinous ways, therefore Christians fled to America to establish a nation of Godly principles. It was this focus that united and kept them from ruin. Thank God for this Christian legacy as we celebrate freedom today!
Psalm 31 App

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Quote Of The Day - The Closer You Get

There is so much truth in the words in this quote.
He is all we need today, tomorrow, and in the future.
God Bless.

Quote of the Day
-Joyce Meyer
“The closer you get to the Lord, the more you see that He has to be your Source in all things. He” 
-Joyce Meyer, Closer to God Each Day: 365 Devotions for Everyday Living

Monday, July 2, 2018

God Breathed Life

Need an a way to explain our beliefs? I can not think of a better way than how this little devotional put's it.
It's short and simple that any man can understand it. It truly put's people at ease who has a hard time sharing their faith.
Don't agree? That's okay. But at least I made you read it and hopefully you started to think about just how important people are to the Lord.
God Bless.

As we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. - Galatians 6:10, NKJV
When God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Gen. 2:7, NIV), all human life became sacred because it came directly from God. Whether a person is a murderer on death row or the most beloved person in town, each one is to be treated with respect if for no other reason than human life comes from God. Are you prejudiced toward someone? A person of a different race or educational background or economic level? Someone from another culture or denomination or religion? Someone with a different language or social status or skin color? There is absolutely no room for prejudice of any kind in a life that follows the Creator’s directions. All men are created equal, not in abilities or opportunities, but in the eyes of God because all men derive their lives from God.
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