Monday, July 30, 2018

A Simple Hello

Maybe it's time we renewed the proper way of saying hello.
I often wonder when and how people became so rude to others. Something major had to take to take place in their lives to end up with a scow on their faces.
They sure dont come into this world looking looking all mean and tough-like.
It's time to start a new trend and it's simple really just let you light shine by turning that frown upside down!
God Bless.
"If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?" (Matthew 5:47)
God's intension was for salvation to change everything about us, even our social graces. In this verse, we are asked to explore how Godly we are by being exclusive in whom we choose to greet and whom we ignore and pass by. Why is this a big deal? It is because every individual is made in the image of God. Just as God does not favor any one person over another, He does not want us to develop cliques and thereby exclude people. Instead of building cliques, build moments of compassion with people and this could make a lasting impact on their perception of God.
-Psalm 31 App

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