Monday, July 16, 2018


Do you strive for approval like I do? If not, I think your lying to yourself.
I think we all want approval from every area of our lives and we would be willing to do almost anything to get it.
But I think, and don't hold me to this is approval isn't a bad thing. The problem is we seek man's approval instead of God's.
When we have the right approval rating, we are unstoppable. May we start a new trend by stepping away from man's way of thinking and get synched up to the only one that matters.
God Bless.

Approval:  the belief that something or someone is good or acceptable a good opinion of someone or something
PRAYER Today, Lord God, I desire your approval. May my heart be open to you; and my thoughts be pleasing to you. “Do whatever needs to be done” in me. I pray today that the church in my country would be receptive to you, ready to hear and obey your word, so that we might be stamped with your approval. May we never forget that you are the one who accomplishes the work of approval in our hearts; may we stand apart in our country as a people who are not striving for acceptance but filled with your un-ceasing to love. 
Author Unknown

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