Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Alive And Active Faith

This maybe a long devotional but it talks about living in faith and keeping it alive and active.
Be encouraged my friend, for faith is the key to every day life.
God Bless.

Alive and Active Faith
Leah DiPascal
Today's Reading: James 2  James 2:14 (NIV) "What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?" 

On a scale from 1-10, where do you suppose you rank in living out your faith? Do only your close friends and family members know you are a believer? Or are you giving clues to everyone you encounter that Jesus is alive and Lord over your life? Friend, these are important questions I need to be reminded of every day. Maybe you do too.  In today's reading of James 2, James does not mince words about his thoughts on the importance of living and active faith. He runs a strong highlighter over the topics of favoritism and good works to challenge us in our walk with the Lord.  He's straightforward in suggesting that if a person's faith in God is genuine, then the way they speak and act should be living proof of their faithfulness to Christ. That includes honoring the poor and not showing favoritism to those who are wealthy or well known. Doing away with discrimination when it comes to someone's race, economic status, level of education and gender. (Leviticus 19:15) We are to treat others as we would want them to treat us. (Matthew 7:12) After all, what good is our faith if no one knows or benefits from it? How will others experience Jesus and come to know Him personally if we're not willing to tell them, love them, encourage them or help them through hard stuff with our faith-filled actions? Not only that, but James goes further to say faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead (James 2:17, 26) and useless. (James 2:20) You might be thinking, now wait a minute, isn't it by grace that a person is saved, through faith - not by works, but as a gift from God?

Yes, that is true and the Apostle Paul speaks of it in Ephesians 2:10. James is not contradicting Paul's teaching. They both agree that the foundational basis of salvation is grace alone through faith. James takes it a step further and helps clarify what should happen afterwards. He points out that good works should be the mandatory result and evidence of our faith.  Our salvation is a beautiful gift from God, by grace, through faith. And the follow-up to our salvation is the unrelenting obedience and trust towards Christ. If our faith is genuine, then we should experience the heart and mind transformation that God promises, manifesting itself in a transformed life. Our good works are living proof to others of this on-going, Spirit-producing transformation that takes place within us.  Unfortunately, the distinguishing markers of dead faith can be revealed in a person who claims to be a believer, knows about God and says all the right things but feels no compulsion to live out a transformed life for Christ. Their behavior lacks godly righteousness. They exhibit no lasting fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23) They display no genuine deeds of true goodness.  James suggests this kind of person is no better off than demons who also believe in God. (James 2:19) They have a head knowledge of God but not a willingness to give Him lordship over their lives. For even demons recognize, shudder and fall to the ground in Jesus' presence but will have no place with Him in heaven. (Matthew 8:28-32, Mark 5:1-13)

With each new day, we have a new opportunity to not only know God, but to express an abundantly alive and active faith in Him. So, let's not waste a single moment. Let's be compassionate, showing no signs of favoritism. Generous in our good works towards others. Forever grateful for our gift of salvation. And joyfully expressive as we fully embrace our transforming life in becoming more like Christ. 

Prayer: Lord God, You are the author and perfecter of my faith. Soften my heart and transform my mind so it lines up with Your will. Thank you for the gift of salvation. Help me not to be selfish with it, but instead, generously give and do for others, as You continuously do for me. I want a faith that is alive and active, not hidden or useless to others. Begin that transformation work in me today. In Jesus' name, amen. 
More Moments: Challenge yourself to practice living out a different action step each day. Read More My Moment: God is so gracious to us. But His abundant grace does not cancel our obligation to obey Him. Although our good works will never earn our salvation, genuine faith should always result in a transformed life and produce good works that honor God and bring Him glory. Will you take a minute and share one example of how you can live out your faith this week?

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