Monday, February 4, 2019

Get In There With Them

As we go into the next month of this new year, we need to remember Jesus gave the greatest gift He could have given now it's our turn to pass along the wealth to others.
God Bless.

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” John 15:13, NKJV.
Last night I crawled in the crib with my daughter because she wasn’t use to it. I climbed in there to help her get adjusted. I inconvenienced myself and made myself uncomfortable so that she could be comfortable. I think when it comes to laying down our lives for someone else, it requires us to inconvenience ourselves. We have believers who are new to the faith. People that are in new situations that they’ve never been in, in new environments, and until they get adjusted, we sometimes have to climb in there with them.
That’s what Jesus did. He didn’t save us from afar. He came to earth wrapped in human flesh, so we could be saved. He became poor so that we could be made rich. I helped my daughter through her first night in the crib by climbing in there with her. I didn’t just pray from her. What are you willing to climb into to help someone? Are you willing to climb into someone’s broken life until they are healed and restored? More now than ever, we just don’t need prayers, we need a friend.
Prayer: Father God, thank You for sending Jesus so that I could be saved. He laid down his life for me, help me do the same for others. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (Study John 15:12-14; Matthew 22:39; 2 Corinthians 8:9; Philippians 2:7-9)
-Author Unknown

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