Monday, February 18, 2019

Do You Ever Have Doubts About Your Faith

Love, love, love this.
I have doubts with my faith all the time and I am so glad, I found someone, I unknown to me but he or she has  obviously have had times when their faith has been tested but has come out the other side stronger in their beliefs.
And I am always on the lookout for help in walking out this faith I've chosen and I know, this little devotional is just that. It gives me hope and allows me to be human in the realization I am not the only one.
God Bless.

Do you ever have doubts about your faith? Of course you do! Doubt is normal for everybody. We have all struggled with doubting some parts of our faith. And when we do, Jesus reminds us to “have faith.” Have faith that He sees the situation your family may be going through. Have faith that He has a great plan for your life. And have faith that He can meet you in the middle of your doubts. Do you have a doubt that you’re dealing with right now? Share it with a friend.
-Author Unknown

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