Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Some Times We Hear, See, Or Experience

This little devotional is so good and reminds us that although life is hard, we can still get through it because God has a plan for all our lives.
And it is up to us to keep living life to our fullest potential by having faith in the One who made us.
God Bless.

Some things we hear, see, or experience can be hard to understand. Why does the sun rise every day? How does the human body work?
Why wasn’t my family member healed from disease? Although we may never fully understand the answers to these questions, we do know the One who has all the answers we’re ever looking for, and that’s God. He is so gigantic and powerful; there’s nothing He can’t do and no question He can’t answer. We may never have all the answers to our questions, but we can put our trust in a God who does.

Share some of your biggest questions with a trusted friend this week. Encourage each other to trust God with both the questions and the answers in your life.
-Author Unknown

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