Tuesday, June 11, 2019

An Appetite For God

This is seriously the case we Christian's deal with more than anything else that is thrown our way, I think.
This little devotional hit's deep and straight to the heart of matters and probably is the answer why so many people think we are hypocrites.
It is time to change our thinking but more importantly, it is time we change the hearts and minds of those who God sends across our path.
It's time to.get serious about our relationship for in this hour, all eyes are upon us.
God Bless.

“Blessed [joyful, nourished by God’s goodness] are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness [those who actively seek right standing with God], for they will be [completely] satisfied” Matthew 5:6, Amplified Bible.
When my children become sick, the first thing they lose is their appetite. I could sit in front of them their favorite meal, and they will refuse it. So, I let them rest until they feel better. When they come to me saying, “I’m ready to eat now,” I know they are healed. Have you lost your appetite for the things of God? Do you no longer desire to read His Word or be in His presence? Is there no great desire to be around His people or do the spiritual things you used to? It could be the cares of life have distracted you or that your heart is hurting. Has anything damaged your heart and mind? Has anything polluted your faith? Have you just come through a terrible experience? There’s no judgment or condemnation here—only sincere love. The goal is to help you examine where you are spiritually. If you are hurting, forgive those who have offended you and receive God’s immense love. Receive His healing hand over your heart and let Him reach into every hurting place. If you are distracted, ask God to refocus and reignite you. A deep longing for the things of God can’t be manufactured. God gives us a thirst and hunger for Him, and we can come to Him saying, God, I’m ready to eat now! I want more of you now! I’m ready to win souls now, and fulfill your divine purpose for my life now!
Prayer: Thank you, Lord. I need you to heal me and refocus me. Touch my heart and heal every pain. Every disappointment. Heal me and give me my appetite back. Cause me to thirst for you like never before. Help me, God. I forgive everyone and everything. I receive a greater desire for you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
(Read Hebrews 13:21; 1 Peter 2:2; Psalms 63:1-2)
Kings Daughter Devotional

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