Friday, June 7, 2019

Cherishing Sin Hinders Prayer

Just reading the title should be enough to spark the initial survey of our hearts where sin is concerned.
We should know above anything just how much God hates sin and how much we need to fight against it.
We are not perfect and we will always be faced with sin, it's what we do with it that causes our downfall. May we rise above it and show the world we are more than just conquerors.
God Bless.
The psalmist invited all to hear about the opportunity for securing God’s favor (v. 16). He was full of joy because the Lord had heard his prayers. He knew this was only possible because of his genuine humility and distaste for the sins present in his life. “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened” (v. 18). Jesus taught that if someone is holding a grudge against someone, they must forgive them in order to receive forgiveness themselves from the Lord (Mk 11:25). This is not a contradiction to grace — adding some formula of work before one can receive pardon. Jesus wants people to go to God with integrity, refusing to make requests while harboring things God hates. It puts people into a position of humility — yielded to God’s authority and aligned with his Word. Jesus, if there is any grudge hiding in my heart right now, please point it out to me and help me get rid of it. I don’t want anything coming between God and me. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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