Thursday, June 20, 2019

Tell Them To Use Their Money To Do Good

If I can be frank here, I worry we will never have enough. Why you ask?
Well, I think, no I know, it comes from all those lean years my husband and I have gone through. And I mean a lot.
I just get anxiety when I let myself think we will not have enough even though God has seen us through time and time again.
It's this anxiety that causes me not to give like I would like to. It is a real problem for me and I live for encouragement found in this little devotional.
I guess what I are saying is don't be like me, be better.
God Bless.
Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. (NLT) -1 Timothy 6:18
Do you ever struggle with generosity? You want to bless others through your generosity with your time, gifts, or money but you hold back at times. Each time you refrain from being more generous, it's easy to come up with an excuse. Admittedly, it's usually a selfish excuse and you walk away angry at yourself. Keep this in mind...God will provide. He has provided food on your table and clothes on your back. Store up treasures for yourself in heaven with your generosity, not here on earth through selfishness.
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