Wednesday, June 12, 2019


I am sadden to say, that I am so guilty of this. Diligence is for sure a weakness for me.
I am not sure why other than I my have a low self esteem. I have to fight it daily but more than anything, I want to conquer it so I can hear my Lord and Saviour say, "well done, though good and faithful servant."
One day. And I leave you with this, be smarter than me and don't let this evilness, overwhelm you like it has me.
God Bless.
"The soul of the sluggard desireth, and [hath] nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat." - (Proverbs 13:4)
Contrast between the wise and the foolish. A sluggard is a lazy person who sits wishing for things but refuses to work. Janet was such a person her entire existence is fueled by pipe dreams. She sits and watch the other women who are diligent, working relentlessly. She muses to herself, "they have so much more than I do." Wishful thinking and dreaming will not get your needs met. You must be willing to work and keep working to reap the benefits. Manna fell once and it's not likely to happen again. Use diligently, the gifts and strength that God has given and He will reward you.
Pslam 31 App

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