Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Don't Be Moved By What People Say

I somehow became a member of this group on Facebook and each morning, the admin tries to post something encouraging.
And this little encouragement spoke to me. So much needed truth written below
and hopefully it will speak to you.
God Bless.
Don't be moved by what people say.   Be moved by what God has said.   Know who you are in Christ and know that God is your defense.   Know that God's Holy Spirit resides in you.   Know that you don't have to fight battles in your flesh.   Go to God in prayer, tell Him what you need, and ask Him to do what needs to be done.    God is faithful.   We may not always understand why things happen the way they do but we can rest in knowing that God will work it all together for our good and His glory.   The Bible says to rejoice in the Lord always.  So even when you don't feel like being joyful, rejoice in knowing that God is with you and He will take care of you.   Remember, to cast your care on Him because He cares for you.   Amen
-Author Unknown

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