Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Bearing Out Sin

We are a partial goat family. Let me just say, we have three. We have no idea what we are doing and we got them for the sole purpose of helping us keep a handle on our weeds.
But thankfully, we have a Savior who not only know's how to deal and take care of a goat but was willing to become the scapegoat for the world and has no problem weeding out the stuff in our lives that has to go and doesn't loss an ounce of sleep over our fits as we scream and shout and hold onto things we want to hold onto because we think our lives will be over if we just let go.
And this is why, we need to let go and let God and the works of His son do what they need to do so we can have a future.
God Bless.
There are two goats in the stages of the Day of Atonement ritual described in Leviticus 16. One goat served its purpose by dying and the other by remaining alive. The first goat was killed as a sacrifice, its blood sprinkled on the atonement cover, tent of meeting and altar. The second goat bore the sins of the nation on its head. Aaron laid both hands on this beast while confessing all of Israel’s sins. This is the origin of the term scapegoat. The animal was led away — carrying all of their sins — and was released in a remote place where it could not return to the Israelite camp. When Jesus made atonement on the cross, he bore the sins of the human race (1Jn 2:2). For the Christian, all guilt has been removed — and it will not return. Jesus died under the weight of our sins and God’s righteous wrath so that we might have forgiveness and have new life in him (1Pe 2:24).
Jesus, thank you for being my scapegoat. You did not deserve this, but you did it willingly, and for that I will be eternally grateful. Amen.
-Author Unknown

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