Monday, August 5, 2019

Worship At Church

It's not about how others do it. Its a matter of where your hear lies.
May we become the worshippers we were created to be and not performers who only goes to church for attention. The world doesn't need any more showboats or stars.
But what they really need is the people who have allowed the Holy Spirit to flow through them to show them what is real.
God Bless.

Worship at Church
Have you ever watched others when they worship at church … like when we sing worship songs? Why do some people raise their hands, close their eyes, and sway while others just keep their hands in their pockets? Why do others just admit to not really liking the worship part of church because they don’t really like singing? Sometimes people walk out of church saying things like, “I didn’t really like the songs today,” or “I just wasn’t really feeling worship today,” or “That singer or the band wasn’t that good. It kinda took me out of it.” Worship isn’t about you, or the band, or the songs that you’re singing. It’s about carving out time in our busy lives and responding to who God is and what He’s done for us. It’s about a deep, inner spirit response.
Some days you may feel out of it and not sure of things, or you might have questions for God. You might even feel mad at God because certain things in your life didn’t work out the way you wanted them to. This doesn’t mean that we should walk into church, slump down on the chair, fold our arms and have a scowl on our face. That’s a great opportunity to look up at the words on the screen that are being sung and enter into a conversation with God. When you see a line that you’re not agreeing with at the time, take it to Him.
Pray that He will show you that He is those things. Worship doesn’t always mean singing at the top of your lungs, out of tune, like the old person behind you. It can be about just entering into His presence and giving Him what you have.
-Author Unknown

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