Thursday, August 8, 2019

This Is The Day

When is the last time you said good morning? Today maybe?
Better yet, when is the last time you told God good morning and reminded Him of His promises?
If I'm honest, it's been a while. Life just seems to have taken over my life ans I find myself having less and less time to communicate with the One who made me.
I'm using my busy life as an excuse I know so when I came across this little devotional, it slapped me in the face. It's time for a lifestyle change and put God back in the center where He belongs. Won't you join me?
God Bless.
“This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it” Psalms 118:24, NKJV.
It’s impossible to say that without smiling. I have this friend that would call me at 5:00 am to say good morning in a singing voice as if I’m already awake and ready to go. I have another friend that whenever we come together to pray in the morning, we start with a long, “Goooooooooooooooooood morning Daddddyyyy! Then we laugh at how silly we sound, but how good it feels. I’ve always loved mornings. To me, morning represents God’s love and mercy. It represents a new day, a fresh start, and another chance to do it better this time. I say to you, “Good morning!”
Don’t allow the negative experiences you had yesterday to rob you of your good morning. Receive a fresh start. See a sunrise. Hear the birds chirping. Feel the crisp morning air. Breathe deeply and slowly as you awake. Welcome, my friend, to a new day, and to a second chance to do it better this time. Stand and say to God, “Goooooooooooooooooood morning Daddddyyyy!!!!! Then go on and enjoy your day. You can’t change yesterday. Tomorrow’s not here yet. All you have is today.
Prayer: Father, Goooooooooooooooooood morning! I know you never sleep or slumber, but still I say good morning. I love you and I thank you for blessing me to see a new day that I’ve never seen before. I receive your love and your warmth. Help me to forget yesterday, and not fret over tomorrow, but to enjoy this present day. Make this day special and give me peace about it all. It’s going to be ok because you are with me. You love me, and you’re blessing me now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
-Author Unknown

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