Friday, August 16, 2019

I Have Set The Lord Always Before Me

Heart wisdom alert below and word's to live by not just for today but every day.
God Bless.

"I have set the LORD always before me: because [he is] at my right hand, I will not be moved."(Psalms 16:8)
David declares that he put the Lord in front of him always. Where are you in relation to God?
Do you think of Him when you are about to choose an outfit? Or when you choose education, either for yourself or your children?Is He the first person you strive to please with your employment? Because David knew that God was always near to him, he did not worry about being defeated. He was safe as long as the Lord was at the forefront of his life.Turn away from all the things that seek to steal that position that only God should have.
Psalm 31 App

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