Thursday, August 22, 2019

Let All That I Am Wait Quietly Before God can be painful and seemingly unnecessary but God has His reasons for doing what He does.
But God, is it really necessary? He sometimes says,  yes it is.
So, let's do this thing called waiting with the intent of giving it our while hearts and crossing it off our to do list like a champ we are. For we know within our heartnof hearts, there is a time an a reason for the season.
God Bless.

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. (NLT) -Psalms 62:5
When we face a problem, it’s typically our first response to busily do all we can to solve it. Surprisingly, the Bible prompts us to take a different posture. Rather than exhausting all our resources to “fix things” the Bible says we are to stop and wait for God. He is supposed to be what we hope in and therefore He should be our first place to turn when we are in need.
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