Friday, November 22, 2019

A Divine Appointment

This is such a great little devotional. One you can really get behind and make it part of your life maybe you can carve the words into your daily routine. And if you are already living by these words, well then you are ahead of the game and is someone I could look up to and strive to become.

However, if you are like me, well, these words are like being in a foriegn country not knowing which way to go. I want to become more like this in my thinking but something is alway finding a way to change my thinking. It's a horrible I know but that is why I need little devotionals like these to help guide me and draw me closer to the Father. 

For you see, I know it's a mind thing. And the mind is a terrible thing to waste and needs all the help it can get.

God Bless

A Divine Appointment

Truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation.Psalm 62:1, NKJV
Have you ever considered that you have a divine appointment when you get up early for your quiet time of prayer and meditation on His Word? . . . That Jesus is patiently, personally waiting to meet with you there?
Have you ever thought of going to church as a divine appointment? . . . That Jesus is patiently, personally waiting to meet with you there?
Have you ever thought of the Bible study you belong to as a divine appointment? . . . That Jesus is patiently, personally waiting to meet with you there?
What a difference it would make in our attitude of expectancy and our habit of consistency if we truly wrapped our hearts around the knowledge that each is a divine appointment, that Jesus Himself is waiting to meet with us.
From Just Give Me Jesus
-Anne Graham Lotz

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