Thursday, November 21, 2019

Out Of Reverence

I can honestly say there are day's when I have a hard time loving my husband let alone reverencing him. 

I know, this is an area I need to work on but there are just some day's I like to smack him just to look at him and then sit back and wonder what was I thinking when I took the plunge and said I do.

Maybe the problem is I know there are day's he feels exactly like I do. Yet, there is enough love there to keep us from walking away but to reverence just seems to be out of the question. But thank heavens, I know someone who sees and understands what I am going through and doesn't hold it against me.

Thank heaven's that same someone is willing to lead and guide me as well as whisper in the ears of the man I call husband to keep coming towards Him. Marriage isn't for the faint of heart but if your going to be in one, well then I guess learning to reverance can only make it better, at least that is what the word tells me and the bible has yet to lead me astray.

God Bless.

Out of Reverence

And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. (NLT) -Ephesians 5:21

God blessed us with marriage to be the primary person that shows your spouse God's love for them.  It's not because they deserve it or have earned it, but because of the grace you have been given.  This will mean you are the first person to say sorry, or you will have to come home from work to help your spouse clean, or you take the blame when it's not your fault.  What can you do for your spouse today that reveals God's love for them?

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