Friday, November 1, 2019

Fleeing The Forbidden

I want to shout out from the highest mountain that the BIBLE is the way and life to a Christian. We can not add or take away from it.

It is and always will be the only way to survive this world we are living in. If we allow it, it will only draw us closer to our God while closing door to the darkness in our lives.

So the question is, where does your confidence lie? May it be to the only living GOD who can change your life in a moment.

God Bless.

"So do not throw away your confidence it will be richly rewarded." (Hebrews 10:35)
Everyone gets to a point in their Christian life where they wonder if their faith in the Bible is based on reality or fiction. This is especially relevant to people who were saved early in life and have built their whole life around a routine of walking in faith. Then something happens and all of a sudden, they wonder why they do the things they do, if it's right, and if God's Word can really be trusted. As Satan entices us with "forbidden" things we must remind ourselves of the confidence we have in God's infallible, perfect Word. Our confidence in Him will be richly rewarded, so be steadfast and flee worldly pleasures.

Psalm 31 App

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